Being lazy without getting bloated
Haskell nothunks library goes a long way towards making memory leaks a thing of the past
24 September 2020 25 mins read
In our Developer Deep Dive series of occasional technical blogs, we invite IOHK’s engineers to discuss their latest work and insights.
Haskell is a lazy language. The importance of laziness has been widely discussed elsewhere: Why Functional Programming Matters is one of the classic papers on the topic, and A History of Haskell: Being Lazy with Class discusses it at length as well. For the purposes of this blog we will take it for granted that laziness is something we want. But laziness comes at a cost, and one of the disadvantages is that laziness can lead to memory leaks that are sometimes difficult to find. In this post we introduce a new library called nothunks aimed at discovering a large class of such leaks early, and helping to debug them. This library was developed for our work on the Cardano blockchain, but we believe it will be widely applicable in other projects too.
A motivating example
Consider the tiny application below, which processes incoming characters and reports how many characters there are in total, in addition to some per-character statistics:
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
data AppState = AppState {
total :: !Int
, indiv :: !(Map Char Stats)
deriving (Show)
type Stats = Int
update :: AppState -> Char -> AppState
update st c = st {
total = total st + 1
, indiv = Map.alter (Just . aux) c (indiv st)
aux :: Maybe Stats -> Stats
aux Nothing = 1
aux (Just n) = n + 1
initAppState :: AppState
initAppState = AppState {
total = 0
, indiv = Map.empty
main :: IO ()
main = interact $ show . foldl' update initAppState
In this version of the code, the per-character statistics are simply how often we have seen each character. If we feed this code ‘aabbb’, it will tell us that it saw 5 characters, 2 of which were the letter ‘a’ and 3 of which were ‘b’:
# echo -n aabbb | cabal run example1
AppState {
total = 5
, indiv = fromList [('a',2),('b',3)]
Moreover, if we feed the application a ton of data and construct a memory profile,
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=10 | cabal run --enable-profiling example1 -- +RTS -hy
we see from Figure 1 that the application runs in constant space.
Figure 1. Memory profile for the first example
So far so good. But now suppose we make an innocuous-looking change. Suppose, in addition to reporting how often every character occurs, we also want to know the offset of the last time that the character occurs in the file:
type Stats = (Int, Int)
update :: AppState -> Char -> AppState
update st c = -- .. as before
aux :: Maybe Stats -> Stats
aux Nothing = (1 , total st)
aux (Just (n, _)) = (n + 1 , total st)
The application works as expected:
# echo -n aabbb | cabal run example2
AppState {
total = 5
, indiv = fromList [('a',(2,1)),('b',(3,4))]
and so the change is accepted in GitHub's PR code review and gets merged. However, although the code still works, it is now a lot slower.
# time (dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=100 | cabal run example1)
real 0m2,312s
# time (dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=100 | cabal run example2)
real 0m15,692s
We have a slowdown of almost an order of magnitude, although we are barely doing more work. Clearly, something has gone wrong, and indeed, we have introduced a memory leak (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Memory profile for example 2
Unfortunately, tracing a profile like this to the actual problem in the code can be very difficult indeed. What’s worse, although our change introduced a regression, the application still worked fine and so the test suite probably wouldn’t have failed. Such memory leaks tend to be discovered only when they get so bad in production that things start to break (for example, servers running out of memory), at which point you have an emergency on your hands.
In the remainder of this post we will describe how nothunks
can help both with spotting such problems much earlier, and debugging them.
Instrumenting the code
Let’s first see what usage of nothunks
looks like in our example. We modify our code and derive a new class instance for our AppState
data AppState = AppState {
total :: !Int
, indiv :: !(Map Char Stats)
deriving (Show, Generic, NoThunks)
The NoThunks
class is defined in the nothunks
library, as we will see in detail later. Additionally, we will replace foldl'
with a new function:
repeatedly :: forall a b. (NoThunks b, HasCallStack)
=> (b -> a -> b) -> (b -> [a] -> b)
repeatedly f = ..
We will see how to define repeatedly
later, but, for now, think of it as 'foldl'
with some magic sprinkled on top’. If we run the code again, the application will throw an exception almost immediately:
# dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=100 | cabal run example3
example3: Unexpected thunk with context
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at shared/Util.hs:22:38 in Util
repeatedly, called at app3/Main.hs:38:26 in main:Main
The essence of the nothunks
library is that we can check if a particular value contains any thunks we weren’t expecting, and this is what repeatedly
is using to make sure we’re not inadvertently introducing any thunks in the AppState
; it’s this check that is failing and causing the exception. We get a HasCallStack
backtrace telling us where we introduced that thunk, and – even more importantly – the exception gives us a helpful clue about where the thunk was:
This context tells us that we have an AppState
containing a Map
containing tuples, all of which were in weak head normal form (not thunks), but the tuple contained an Int
which was not in weak head normal form: a thunk.
From a context like this it is obvious what went wrong: although we are using a strict map, we have instantiated the map at a lazy pair type, and so although the map is forcing the pairs, it’s not forcing the elements of those pairs. Moreover, we get an exception the moment we introduce the thunk, which means that we can catch such regressions in our test suite. We can even construct minimal counter-examples that result in thunks, as we will see later.
Using nothunks
Before we look at how the library works, let’s first see how it’s used. In the previous section we were using a magical function repeatedly
, but didn’t see how we could define it. Let’s now look at this function:
repeatedly :: forall a b. (NoThunks b, HasCallStack)
=> (b -> a -> b) -> (b -> [a] -> b)
repeatedly f = go
go :: b -> [a] -> b
go !b [] = b
go !b (a:as) =
let !b' = f b a
in case unsafeNoThunks b' of
Nothing -> go b' as
Just thunk -> error . concat $ [
"Unexpected thunk with context "
, show (thunkContext thunk)
The only difference between repeatedly
and foldl'
is the call to unsafeNoThunks
, which is the function that checks if a given value contains any unexpected thunks. The function is marked as ‘unsafe’ because whether or not a value is a thunk is not normally observable in Haskell; making it observable breaks equational reasoning, and so this should only be used for debugging or in assertions. Each time repeatedly
applies the provided function f
to update the accumulator, it verifies that the resulting value doesn’t contain any unexpected thunks; if it does, it errors out (in real code such a check would only be enabled in test suites and not in production).
One point worth emphasizing is that repeatedly
reduces the value to weak head normal form (WHNF) before calling unsafeNoThunks
. This is, of course, what makes a strict fold-left strict, and so repeatedly
must do this to be a good substitute for foldl'
. However, it is important to realize that if repeatedly
did not do that, the call to unsafeNoThunks
would trivially and immediately report a thunk; after all, we have just created the f b a
thunk! Generally speaking, it is not useful to call unsafeNoThunks
(or its IO cousin noThunks
) on values that aren’t already in WHNF.
In general, long-lived application state should never contain any unexpected thunks, and so we can apply the same kind of pattern in other scenarios. For example, suppose we have a server that is a thin IO layer on top of a mostly pure code base, storing the application state in an IORef
. Here, too, we might want to make sure that that IORef
never points to a value containing unexpected thunks:
newtype StrictIORef a = StrictIORef (IORef a)
readIORef :: StrictIORef a -> IO a
readIORef (StrictIORef v) = Lazy.readIORef v
writeIORef :: (NoThunks a, HasCallStack)
=> StrictIORef a -> a -> IO ()
writeIORef (StrictIORef v) !x = do
check x
Lazy.writeIORef v x
check :: (NoThunks a, HasCallStack) => a -> IO ()
check x = do
mThunk <- noThunks [] x
case mThunk of
Nothing -> return ()
Just thunk ->
throw $ ThunkException
(thunkContext thunk)
Since check
already lives in IO
, it can use noThunks
directly, instead of using the unsafe pure wrapper; but otherwise this code follows a very similar pattern: the moment we might introduce a thunk, we instead throw an exception. One could imagine doing a very similar thing for, say, StateT
, checking for thunks in put
newtype StrictStateT s m a = StrictStateT (StateT s m a)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
instance (Monad m, NoThunks s)
=> MonadState s (StrictStateT s m) where
get = StrictStateT $ get
put !s = StrictStateT $
case unsafeNoThunks s of
Nothing -> put s
Just thunk -> error . concat $ [
"Unexpected thunk with context "
, show (thunkContext thunk)
Minimal counter-examples
In some applications, there can be complicated interactions between the input to the program and the thunks it may or may not create. We will study this through a somewhat convoluted but, hopefully, easy-to-understand example. Suppose we have a server that is processing two types of events, A
and B
data Event = A | B
deriving (Show)
type State = (Int, Int)
initState :: State
initState = (0, 0)
update :: Event -> State -> State
update A (a, b) = let !a' = a + 1 in (a', b)
update B (a, b)
| a < 1 || b < 1 = let !b' = b + 1 in (a, b')
| otherwise = let b' = b + 2 in (a, b')
The server’s internal state consists of two counters, a
and b
. Each time we see an A event, we just increment the first counter. When we see a B
event, however, we increment b
by 1 only if a
and b
haven’t reached 1 yet, and by 2 otherwise. Unfortunately, the code contains a bug: in one of these cases, part of the server’s state is not forced and we introduce a thunk. (Disclaimer: the code snippets in this blog post are not intended to be good examples of coding, but to make it obvious where memory leaks are introduced. Typically, memory leaks should be avoided by using appropriate data types, not by modifying code.)
A minimal counter-example that will demonstrate the bug would therefore involve two events A
and B
, in any order, followed by another B
event. Since we get an exception the moment we introduce an exception, we can then use a framework such as quickcheck-state-machine
to find bugs like this and construct such minimal counter-examples.
Here’s how we might set up our test. Explaining how quickcheck-state-machine
(QSM) works is well outside the scope of this blog post; if you’re interested, a good starting point might be An in-depth look at quickcheck-state-machine. For this post, it is enough to know that in QSM we are comparing a real implementation against some kind of model, firing off ‘commands’ against both, and then checking that the responses match. Here, both the server and the model will use the update function, but the ‘real’ implementation will use the StrictIORef
type we introduced above, and the mock implementation will just use the pure code, with no thunks check. Thus, when we compare the real implementation against the model, the responses will diverge whenever the real implementation throws an exception (caused by a thunk):
data T
type instance MockState T = State
type instance RealMonad T = IO
type instance RealHandles T = '[]
data instance Cmd T f hs where
Cmd :: Event -> Cmd T f '[]
data instance Resp T f hs where
-- We record any exceptions that occurred
Resp :: Maybe String -> Resp T f '[]
deriving instance Eq (Resp T f hs)
deriving instance Show (Resp T f hs)
deriving instance Show (Cmd T f hs)
instance NTraversable (Resp T) where
nctraverse _ _ (Resp ok) = pure (Resp ok)
instance NTraversable (Cmd T) where
nctraverse _ _ (Cmd e) = pure (Cmd e)
sm :: StrictIORef State -> StateMachineTest T
sm state = StateMachineTest {
runMock = \(Cmd e) mock ->
(Resp Nothing, update e mock)
, runReal = \(Cmd e) -> do
real <- readIORef state
ex <- try $ writeIORef state (update e real)
return $ Resp (checkOK ex)
, initMock = initState
, newHandles = \_ -> Nil
, generator = \_ -> Just $
elements [At (Cmd A), At (Cmd B)]
, shrinker = \_ _ -> []
, cleanup = \_ -> writeIORef state initState
checkOK :: Either SomeException () -> Maybe String
checkOK (Left err) = Just (show err)
checkOK (Right ()) = Nothing
(This uses the new Lockstep machinery in QSM that we introduced in the Munihac 2019 hackathon.)
If we run this test, we get the minimal counter-example we expect, along with the HasCallStack
backtrace and the context telling us precisely that we have a thunk inside a lazy pair:
*** Failed! Falsified (after 6 tests and 2 shrinks):
{ unCommands =
[ Command At { unAt = Cmd B } At { unAt = Resp Nothing } []
, Command At { unAt = Cmd A } At { unAt = Resp Nothing } []
, Command At { unAt = Cmd B } At { unAt = Resp Nothing } []
Resp (Just "Thunk exception in context [Int,(,)]
called at shared/StrictIORef.hs:26:5 in StrictIORef
writeIORef, called at app5/Main.hs:71:37 in Main")
:/= Resp Nothing
The combination of a minimal counter-example, a clear context, and the backtrace, makes finding most such memory leaks almost trivial.
Under the hood
The core of the nothunks
library is the NoThunks
-- | Check a value for unexpected thunks
class NoThunks a where
noThunks :: [String] -> a -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo)
wNoThunks :: [String] -> a -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo)
showTypeOf :: Proxy a -> String
data ThunkInfo = ThunkInfo {
thunkContext :: Context
deriving (Show)
type Context = [String]
All of the NoThunks
class methods have defaults, so instances can be, and very often are, entirely empty, or – equivalently – derived using DeriveAnyClass
The noThunks
function is the main entry point for application code, and we have already seen it in use. Instances of NoThunks
, however, almost never need to redefine noThunks
and can use the default implementation, which we will take a look at shortly. Conversely, wNoThunks
is almost never useful for application code but it’s where most of the datatype-specific logic lives, and is used by the default implementation of noThunks
; we will see a number of examples of it below. Finally, showTypeOf
is used to construct a string representation of a type when constructing the thunk contexts; it has a default in terms of Generic
Suppose we are checking if a pair contains any thunks. We should first check if the pair itself is a thunk, before we pattern match on it. After all, pattern matching on the pair would force it, and so if it had been a thunk, we wouldn’t be able to see this any more. Therefore, noThunks
first checks if a value itself is a thunk, and if it isn’t, it calls wNoThunks
; the w
stands for WHNF: wNoThunks
is allowed to assume (has as precondition) that its argument is not itself a thunk and so can be pattern-matched on.
noThunks :: [String] -> a -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo)
noThunks ctxt x = do
isThunk <- checkIsThunk x
if isThunk
then return $ Just ThunkInfo { thunkContext = ctxt' }
else wNoThunks ctxt' x
ctxt' :: [String]
ctxt' = showTypeOf (Proxy @a) : ctxt
Note that when wNoThunks
is called, the (string representation of) type a
has already been added to the context.
Most of the datatype-specific work happens in wNoThunks
; after all, we can now pattern match. Let’s start with a simple example, a manual instance for a type of strict pairs:
data StrictPair a b = StrictPair !a !b
instance (NoThunks a, NoThunks b)
=> NoThunks (StrictPair a b) where
showTypeOf _ = "StrictPair"
wNoThunks ctxt (StrictPair x y) = allNoThunks [
noThunks ctxt x
, noThunks ctxt y
Because we have verified that the pair itself is in WHNF, we can just extract both components, and recursively call noThunks
on both of them. Function allNoThunks
is a helper defined in the library that runs a bunch of thunk checks, stopping at the first one that reports a thunk.
Occasionally we do want to allow for selected thunks. For example, suppose we have a set of integers with a cached total
field, but we only want to compute that total if it’s actually used:
data IntSet = IntSet {
toSet :: !(Set Int)
-- | Total
-- Intentionally /not/ strict:
-- Computed when needed (and then cached)
, total :: Int
deriving (Generic)
Since total
must be allowed to be a thunk, we skip it in wNoThunks
instance NoThunks IntSet where
wNoThunks ctxt (IntSet xs _total) = noThunks ctxt xs
Such constructions should probably only be used sparingly; if the various operations on the set are not carefully defined, the set might hold on to all kinds of data through that total
thunk. Code like that needs careful thought and careful review.
Generic instance
If no implementation is given for wNoThunks
, it uses a default based on GHC generics. This means that for types that implement Generic
, deriving a NoThunks
instance is often as easy as in the AppState
example above, simply saying:
data AppState = AppState {
total :: !Int
, indiv :: !(Map Char Stats)
deriving (Show, Generic, NoThunks)
Many instances in the library itself are also defined using the generic instance; for example, the instance for (default, lazy) pairs is just:
instance (NoThunks a, NoThunks b) => NoThunks (a, b)
Deriving-via wrappers
Sometimes, we don’t want the default behavior implemented by the generic instance, but defining an instance by hand can be cumbersome. The library therefore provides a few newtype
wrappers that can be used to conveniently derive custom instances. We will discuss three such wrappers here; the library comes with a few more.
Only check for WHNF
If all you want to do is check if a value is in weak head normal form (ie, check that it is not a thunk itself, although it could contain thunks), you can use OnlyCheckIsWhnf
. For example, the library defines the instance for Bool
deriving via OnlyCheckWhnf Bool
instance NoThunks Bool
For Bool
, this is sufficient: when a boolean is in weak head normal form, it won’t contain any thunks. The library also uses this for functions:
deriving via OnlyCheckWhnfNamed "->" (a -> b)
instance NoThunks (a -> b)
(Here, the Named
version allows you to explicitly define the string representation of the type to be included in the thunk contexts.) Using OnlyCheckWhnf
for functions means that any values in the function closure will not be checked for thunks. This is intentional and a subtle design decision; we will come back to this in the section on permissible thunks below.
Skipping some fields
For types such as IntSet
where most fields should be checked for thunks, but some fields should be skipped, we can use AllowThunksIn
deriving via AllowThunksIn '["total"] IntSet
instance NoThunks IntSet
This can be handy for large record types, where giving the instance by hand is cumbersome and, moreover, can easily get out of sync when changes to the type (for example, a new field) are not reflected in the definition of wNoThunks
Inspecting the heap directly
Instead of going through the class system and the NoThunks
instances, we can also inspect the GHC heap directly. The library makes this available through the InspectHeap
newtype, which has an instance:
instance Typeable a => NoThunks (InspectHeap a) where
-- ..
Note that this does not depend on a NoThunks
instance for a
. We can use this like any other deriving-via wrappers, for example:
deriving via InspectHeap TimeOfDay
instance NoThunks TimeOfDay
The advantage of such an instance is that we do not require instances for any nested types; for example, although TimeOfDay
has a field of type Pico
, we don’t need a NoThunks
instance for it.
The disadvantage is that we lose all compositionality. If there are any types nested inside for which we want to allow for thunks, we have no way of overriding the behaviour of the no-thunks check for those types. Since we are inspecting the heap directly, and the runtime system does not record any type information, any NoThunks
instances for those types are irrelevant and we will report any thunks that it finds. Moreover, when we do find such a thunk, we cannot report a useful context, because – again – we have no type information. If noThunks
finds a thunk deeply nested inside some T
(whose NoThunks
instance was derived using InspectHeap
), it will merely report "..." : "T
" as the context (plus perhaps any context leading to T
Permissible thunks
Some data types inherently depend on the presence of thunks. For example, the Seq
type defined in Data.Sequence
internally uses a finger tree. Finger trees are a specialized data type introduced by Ralf Hinze and Ross Paterson; for our purposes, all you need to know is that finger trees make essential use of thunks in their spines to achieve their asymptotic complexity bounds. This means that the NoThunks
instance for Seq
must allow for thunks in the spine of the data type, although it should still verify that there are no thunks in any of the elements in the sequence. This is easy enough to do; the instance in the library is:
instance NoThunks a => NoThunks (Seq a) where
showTypeOf _ = "Seq"
wNoThunks ctxt = noThunksInValues ctxt . toList
Here, noThunksInValues
is a helper function that checks a list of values for thunks, without checking the list itself.
However, the existence of types such as Seq
means that the non-compositionality of InspectHeap
can be a big problem. It is also the reason that for functions we merely check if the function is in weak head normal form. Although the function could have thunks in its closure, we don’t know what their types are. We could check the function closure for thunks (using InspectHeap
), but if we did, and that closure contained, say, a Seq
among its values, we might incorrectly report an unexpected thunk. Because it is more problematic if the test reports a bug when there is none than when an actual bug is not reported, the library opts to check only functions for WHNF. If in your application you store functions, and it is important that these functions are checked for thunks, then you can define a custom newtype around a -> b
with a NoThunks
instance defined using InspectHeap
(but only if you are sure that your functions don’t refer to types that must be allowed to have thunks).
Comparison with the heap/stack limit size method
In 2016, Neil Mitchell gave a very nice talk at HaskellX, where he presented a method for finding memory leaks (he has also written a blog post on the topic). The essence of the method is to run your test suite with much reduced stack and heap limits, so that if there is a memory leak in your code, you will notice it before it hits production. He then advocates the use of the -xc
runtime flag to get a stack trace when such a ‘stack limit exhausted’ exception is thrown.
The technique advocated in this post has a number of advantages. We get an exception the moment a thunk is created, so the stack trace we get is often much more useful. Together with the context reported by noThunks
, finding the problem is usually trivial. Interpreting the stack reported by -xc
can be more difficult, because this exception is thrown when the limit is exhausted, which may or may not be related to the code that introduced the leak in the first place. Moreover, since the problem only becomes known when the limit is exhausted, minimal counter-examples are out of the question. It can also be difficult to pick a suitable value for the limit; how much memory does the test site actually need, and what would constitute a leak? Finally, -xc
requires your program to be compiled with profiling enabled, which means you’re debugging something different to what you’d run in production, which is occasionally problematic.
Having said all that, the nothunks
method does not replace the heap/stack limit method, but complements it. The nothunks
approach is primarily useful for finding space leaks in pieces of data where it’s clear that we don’t want any thunk build-up, typically long-lived application state. It is less useful for finding more ‘local’ space leaks, such as a function accumulator not being updated strictly. For finding such leaks, setting stack/heap limits is still a useful technique.
Long-lived application data should, typically, not have any thunk build-up. The nothunks
library can verify this through the noThunks
and unsafeNoThunks
function calls, which check if the supplied argument contains any unexpected thunks. These checks can then be used in assertions to check that no thunks are created. This means that if we do introduce a thunk by mistake, we get an immediate test failure, along with a callstack to the place where the thunk was created as well as a context providing a helpful hint on where the thunk is. Together with a testing framework, this makes memory leaks much easier to debug and avoid. Indeed, they have mostly been a thing of the past in our work on Cardano since we started using this approach.
The abstract nature of the Cardano consensus layer
This new series of technical posts by IOHK's engineers considers the choices being made
28 May 2020 21 mins read
As we head towards Shelley on the Cardano mainnet, we’re keen to keep you up to date with the latest news. We also want to highlight the tireless work going on behind the scenes, and the team of engineers responsible.
In this Developer Deep Dive series of occasional technical blogs, we open the floor to IOHK's engineers. Over the months ahead, our Haskell developers will offer a candid glimpse into the core elements of the Cardano platform and protocols, and share insights into the choices that have been made.
Here, in the first of the series, we consider the use of abstraction in the consensus layer.
The Cardano consensus layer has two important responsibilities:
- It runs the blockchain consensus protocol. In the context of a blockchain, consensus - that is, 'majority of opinion' - means everyone involved in running the blockchain agrees on what the one true chain is. This means that the consensus layer is in charge of adopting blocks, choosing between competing chains if there are any, and deciding when to produce blocks of its own.
- It is responsible for maintaining all the state required to make these decisions. To decide whether or not to adopt a block, the protocol needs to validate that block with respect to the state of the ledger. If it decides to switch to a different chain (a different tine of a fork in the chain), it must keep enough history to be able to reconstruct the ledger state on that chain. To be able to produce blocks, it must maintain a mempool of transactions to be inserted into those blocks.
The consensus layer mediates between the network layer below it, which deals with concerns such as communication protocols and peer selection, and the ledger layer above it, which specifies what the state of the ledger looks like and how it must be updated with each new block. The ledger layer is entirely stateless, and consists exclusively of pure functions. In turn, the consensus layer does not need to know the exact nature of the ledger state, or indeed the contents of the blocks (apart from some header fields required to run the consensus protocol).
Extensive use is made of abstraction in the consensus layer. This is important for many reasons:
- It allows programmers to inject failures when running tests. For example, we abstract the underlying file system, and use this to stress-test the storage layer while simulating all manner of disk faults. Similarly, we abstract over time, and use this to check what happens to a node when a user's system clock jumps forward or backwards.
- It allows us to instantiate the consensus layer with many different kinds of ledgers. Currently we use this to run the consensus layer with the Byron ledger (the ledger that's currently on the Cardano blockchain) as well as the Shelley ledger for the upcoming Shelley Haskell testnet. In addition, we use it to run the consensus layer with various kinds of ledgers specifically designed for testing, typically much simpler than 'real' ledgers, so that we can focus our tests on the consensus layer itself.
- It improves compositionality, allowing us to build larger components from smaller components. For example, the Shelley testnet ledger only contains the Shelley ledger, but once Shelley is released the real chain will contain the Byron ledger up to the hard fork point, and the Shelley ledger thereafter. This means we need a ledger layer that switches between two ledgers at a specific point. Rather than defining a new ledger, we can instead define a hard fork combinator that implements precisely this, and only this, functionality. This improves reusability of the code (we will not need to reimplement hard fork functionality when the next hard fork comes around), as well as separation of concerns: the development and testing of the hard fork combinator does not depend on the specifics of the ledgers it switches between.
- Closely related to the last point, the use of abstraction improves testability. We can define combinators that define minor variations of consensus protocols that allow us to focus on specific aspects. For example, we have a combinator that takes an existing consensus protocol and overrides only the check whether we should produce a block. We can then use this to generate testing scenarios in which many nodes produce a block in a given slot or, conversely, no nodes at all, and verify that the consensus layer does the right thing under such circumstances. Without a combinator to override this aspect of the consensus layer, it would be left to chance whether such scenarios arise. Although we can control 'chance' in testing (by choosing a particular starting seed for the pseudorandom number generator), it would be impossible to set up specific scenarios, or indeed automatically shrink failing test cases to a minimal test case. With these testing consensus combinators, the test can literally just use a schedule specifying which nodes should produce blocks in which slots. We can then generate such schedules randomly, run them, and if there is a bug, shrink them to a minimal test case that still triggers the bug. Such a minimal failing schedule is much easier to debug, understand and work with than merely a choice of initial random seed that causes... something... to happen at... some point.
To achieve all of this, however, the consensus layer needs to make use of some sophisticated Haskell types. In this blog post we will develop a 'mini consensus protocol', explain exactly how we abstract various aspects, and how we can make use of those abstractions to define various combinators. The remainder of this blog post assumes that the reader is familiar with Haskell.
The Cardano consensus layer is designed to support the Ouroboros family of consensus protocols, all of which make a fundamental assumption that time is split into slots, where the blockchain can have at most one block per slot. In this article, we define a slot number to just be an Int
type SlotNo = Int
We will also need a minimal model of public-key encryption, specifically
data PrivateKey
data PublicKey
data Signature
verifySig :: Signature -> PublicKey -> Bool
The only language extension we will need in this blog post is TypeFamilies
, although the real implementation uses far more. If you want to follow along, download the full source code.
Consensus protocol
As mentioned at the start of this post, the consensus protocol has three main responsibilities:
- Leader check (should we produce a block?)
- Chain selection
- Block verification
The protocol is intended to be independent from a concrete choice of block, as well as a concrete choice of ledger, so that a single protocol can be run with different kinds of blocks and/or ledgers. Therefore, each of these three responsibilities defines its own 'view' on the data it requires.
Leader check
The leader check runs at every slot, and must determine if the node should produce a block. In general, the leader check might require some information extracted from the ledger state:
type family LedgerView p :: *
For example, in the Ouroboros Praos consensus protocol that will initially power Shelley, a node's probability of being elected a leader (that is, be allowed produce a block) depends on its stake; the node's stake, of course, comes from the ledger state.
Chain selection
'Chain selection' refers to the process of choosing between two competing chains. The main criterion here is chain length, but some protocols may have additional requirements. For example, blocks are typically signed by a 'hot' key that exists on the server, which in turn is generated by a 'cold' key that never exists on any networked device. When the hot key is compromised, the node operator can generate a new one from the cold key, and 'delegate' to that new key. So, in a choice between two chains of equal
length, both of which have a tip signed by the same cold key but a different hot key, a consensus protocol will prefer the newer hot key. To allow specific consensus protocols to state requirements such as this, we therefore introduce a SelectView
, specifying what information the protocol expects to be present in the block:
type family SelectView p :: *
Header validation
Block validation is mostly a ledger concern; checks such as verifying that all inputs to a transaction are available to avoid double-spending are defined in the ledger layer. The consensus layer is mostly unaware of what's inside the blocks; indeed, it might not even be a cryptocurrency, but a different application of blockchain technology.
Blocks (more precisely, block headers) also contain a few things specifically to support the consensus layer, however. To stick with the Praos example, Praos expects various cryptographic proofs to be present related to deriving entropy from the blockchain. Verifying these is the consensus layer's responsibility, and so we define a third and final view of the fields that consensus must validate:
type family ValidateView p :: *
Protocol definition
We need one more type family*: each protocol might require some static information to run; keys to sign blocks, its own identity for the leader check, etc. We call this the 'node configuration', and define it as
data family NodeConfig p :: *
We can now tie everything together in the abstract definition of a consensus protocol. The three methods of the class correspond to the three responsibilities we mentioned; each method is passed the static node configuration, as well the specific view required for that method. Note that p
here is simply a type-level tag identifying a specific protocol; it never exists at the value level.
class ConsensusProtocol p where
-- | Chain selection
selectChain :: NodeConfig p -> SelectView p -> SelectView p -> Ordering
-- | Header validation
validateBlk :: NodeConfig p -> ValidateView p -> Bool
-- | Leader check
-- NOTE: In the real implementation this is additionally parameterized over
-- some kind of 'proof' that we are indeed the leader. We ignore that here.
checkLeader :: NodeConfig p -> SlotNo -> LedgerView p -> Bool
Example: Permissive BFT (PBFT)
Permissive BFT is a simple consensus protocol where nodes produce blocks according to a round robin schedule: first node A, then B, then C, then back to A. We call the index of a node in that schedule the 'NodeId'. This is a concept for PBFT only, not something the rest of the consensus layer needs to be aware of:
type NodeId = Int
The node configuration required by PBFT is the node's own identity, as well as the public keys of all nodes that can appear in the schedule:
data PBft -- The type level tag identifying this protocol
data instance NodeConfig PBft = CfgPBft {
-- | The node's ID
pbftId :: NodeId
-- | The verification keys of all nodes
, pbftKeys :: [PublicKey]
Since PBFT is a simple round-robin schedule, it does not need any information from the ledger:
type instance LedgerView PBft = ()
Chain selection just looks at the chain length; for the sake of simplicity, we will assume here that longer chains will end on a larger slot number**, and so chain selection just needs to know the slot number of the tip:
type instance SelectView PBft = SlotNo
Finally, when validating blocks, we must check that they are signed by any of the nodes that are allowed to produce blocks (that can appear in the schedule):
type instance ValidateView PBft = Signature
Defining the protocol is now simple:
instance ConsensusProtocol PBft where
selectChain _cfg = compare
validateHdr cfg sig = any (verifySig sig) (pbftKeys cfg)
checkLeader cfg slot () = slot `mod` length (pbftKeys cfg) == pbftId cfg
Chain selection just compares slot numbers; validation checks if the key is one of the allowed slot leaders, and leader selection does some modular arithmetic to determine if it's that node's turn.
Note that the round-robin schedule is used only in the check whether or not we are a leader; for historical blocks (that is, when doing validation), we merely check that the block was signed by any of the allowed leaders, not in which order. This is the 'permissive' part of PBFT; the real implementation does do one additional check (that there isn't any single leader signing more than its share), which we omit from this blog post.
Protocol combinator example: explicit leader schedule
As mentioned in the introduction, for testing it is useful to be able to explicitly decide the order in which nodes sign blocks. To do this, we can define a protocol combinator that takes a protocol and just overrides the is-leader check to check a fixed schedule instead:
data OverrideSchedule p -- As before, just a type-level tag
The configuration required to run such a protocol is the schedule and the node's ID within this schedule, in addition to whatever configuration the underlying protocol p
data instance NodeConfig (OverrideSchedule p) = CfgOverride {
-- | The explicit schedule of nodes to sign blocks
schedule :: Map SlotNo [NodeId]
-- | Our own identifier in the schedule
-- (PBFT has such an identifier also, but many protocols don't)
, scheduleId :: NodeId
-- | Config of the underlying protocol
, scheduleP :: NodeConfig p
Chain selection is unchanged, and hence so is the view on blocks required for chain selection:
type instance SelectView (OverrideSchedule p) = SelectView p
However, we need to override header validation---indeed, disable it altogether---because if the underlying protocol verifies that the blocks are signed by the right node, then obviously such a check would be incompatible with this override. We therefore don't need anything from the block to validate it (since we don't do any validation):
type instance LedgerView (OverrideSchedule p) = ()
Defining the protocol is now trivial:
instance ConsensusProtocol p => ConsensusProtocol (OverrideSchedule p) where
selectChain cfg = selectChain (scheduleP cfg)
validateHdr _cfg () = True
checkLeader cfg s () = scheduleId cfg `elem` (schedule cfg) Map.! s
Chain selection just uses the chain selection of the underlying protocol p
, block validation does nothing, and the is-leader check refers to the static schedule.
From blocks to protocols
Just like the consensus protocol, a specific choice of block may also come with its own required configuration data:
data family BlockConfig b :: *
Many blocks can use the same protocol, but a specific type of block is designed for a specific kind of protocol. We therefore introduce a type family mapping a block type to its associated protocol:
type family BlockProtocol b :: *
We then say a block supports its protocol if we can construct the views on that block required by its specific protocol:
class BlockSupportsProtocol b where
selectView :: BlockConfig b -> b -> SelectView (BlockProtocol b)
validateView :: BlockConfig b -> b -> ValidateView (BlockProtocol b)
Example: (Simplified) Byron blocks
Stripped to their bare bones, blocks on the Byron blockchain look something like
type Epoch = Int
type RelSlot = Int
data ByronBlock = ByronBlock {
bbSignature :: Signature
, bbEpoch :: Epoch
, bbRelSlot :: RelSlot
We mentioned above that the Ouroboros consensus protocol family assumes that time is split into slots. In addition, they also assume that these slots are grouped into epochs. Byron blocks do not contain an absolute number, but instead an epoch number and a relative slot number within that epoch. The number of slots per epoch on the Byron chain is fixed at slightly over 10k, but for testing it is useful to be able to vary k, the security parameter, and so it is configurable; this is (part of) the configuration necessary to work with Byron blocks:
data instance BlockConfig ByronBlock = ByronConfig {
bcEpochLen :: Int
Given the Byron configuration, it is then a simple matter of converting the pair of an epoch number and a relative slot into an absolute slot number:
bbSlotNo :: BlockConfig ByronBlock -> ByronBlock -> SlotNo
bbSlotNo cfg blk = bbEpoch blk * bcEpochLen cfg + bbRelSlot blk
What about the protocol? Well, the Byron chain runs PBFT, and so we can define
type instance BlockProtocol ByronBlock = PBft
Proving that the Byron block supports this protocol is easy:
instance BlockSupportsProtocol ByronBlock where
selectView = bbSlotNo
validateView = const bbSignature
The ledger state
The consensus layer not only runs the consensus protocol, it also manages the ledger state. It doesn't, however, care much what the ledger state looks like specifically; instead, it merely assumes that some type of ledger state is associated with a block type:
data family LedgerState b :: *
We will need one additional type family. When we apply a block to the ledger state, we might get an error if the block is invalid. The specific type of ledger errors is defined in the ledger layer, and is, of course, highly ledger specific. For example, the Shelley ledger will have errors related to staking, whereas the Byron ledger does not, because it does not support staking; and ledgers that aren't cryptocurrencies will have very different kinds of errors.
data family LedgerError b :: *
We now define two type classes. The first merely describes the interface to the ledger layer, saying that we must be able to apply a block to the ledger state and either get an error (if the block was invalid) or the updated ledger state:
class UpdateLedger b where
applyBlk :: b -> LedgerState b -> Either (LedgerError b) (LedgerState b)
Second, we will define a type class that connects the ledger associated with a block to the consensus protocol associated with that block. Just like the BlockSupportsProtocol
provides functionality to derive views from the block required by the consensus protocol, LedgerSupportsProtocol
similarly provides functionality to derive views from the ledger state required by the consensus protocol:
class LedgerSupportsProtocol b where
-- | Extract the relevant information from the ledger state
ledgerView :: LedgerState b -> LedgerView (BlockProtocol b)
We will see in the next section why it is useful to separate the integration with the ledger (UpdateLedger
) from its connection to the consensus protocol (LedgerSupportsProtocol
Block combinators
As a final example of the power of combinators, we will show that we can define a combinator on blocks and their associated ledgers. As an example of where this is useful, the Byron blockchain comes with an implementation as well as an executable specification. It is useful to instantiate the consensus layer with both of these ledgers, so we can verify that the implementation agrees with the specification at all points along the way. This means that blocks in this 'dual ledger' set-up are, in fact, a pair of blocks***.
data DualBlock main aux = DualBlock {
dbMain :: main
, dbAux :: aux
The definition of the dual ledger state and dual ledger error are similar:
data instance LedgerState (DualBlock main aux) = DualLedger {
dlMain :: LedgerState main
, dlAux :: LedgerState aux
data instance LedgerError (DualBlock main aux) = DualError {
deMain :: LedgerError main
, deAux :: LedgerError aux
To apply a dual block to the dual ledger state, we simply apply each block to its associated state. This particular combinator assumes that the two ledgers must always agree whether or not a particular block is valid, which is suitable for comparing an implementation and a specification; other choices (other combinators) are also possible:
instance ( UpdateLedger main
, UpdateLedger aux
) => UpdateLedger (DualBlock main aux) where
applyBlk (DualBlock dbMain dbAux)
(DualLedger dlMain dlAux) =
case (applyBlk dbMain dlMain, applyBlk dbAux dlAux) of
(Left deMain , Left deAux ) -> Left $ DualError deMain deAux
(Right dlMain' , Right dlAux') -> Right $ DualLedger dlMain' dlAux'
_otherwise -> error "ledgers disagree"
Since the intention of the dual ledger is to compare two ledger implementations, it will suffice to have all consensus concerns be driven by the first ('main') block; we don't need an instance for ProtocolLedgerView
for the auxiliary block, and, indeed, in general might not be able to give one. This means that the block protocol of the dual block is the block protocol of the main block:
type instance BlockProtocol (DualBlock main aux) = BlockProtocol main
instance LedgerSupportsProtocol main
=> LedgerSupportsProtocol (DualBlock main aux) where
ledgerView = ledgerView . dlMain
The block configuration we need is the block configuration of both blocks:
data instance BlockConfig (DualBlock main aux) = DualConfig {
dcMain :: BlockConfig main
, dcAix :: BlockConfig aux
We can now easily show that the dual block also supports its protocol:
instance BlockSupportsProtocol main => BlockSupportsProtocol (DualBlock main aux) where
selectView cfg = selectView (dcMain cfg) . dbMain
validateView cfg = validateView (dcMain cfg) . dbMain
The Cardano consensus layer was initially designed for the Cardano blockchain, currently running Byron and soon running Shelley. You might argue that this means IOHK's engineers should design for that specific blockchain initially, and generalize only later when using the consensus layer for other blockchains. However, doing so would have important downsides:
- It would hamper our ability to do testing. We would not be able to override the schedule of which nodes produce blocks when, we would not be able to run with a dual ledger, etc.
- We would entangle things that are logically independent. With the abstract approach, the Shelley ledger consists of three parts: a Byron chain, a Shelley chain, and a hard fork combinator mediating between these two. Without abstractions in place, such separation of concern would be harder to achieve, leading to more difficult to understand and maintain code.
- Abstract code is less prone to bugs. As a simple example, since the dual ledger combinator is polymorphic in the two ledgers it combines, and they have different types, we couldn't write type correct code that nonetheless tries to apply, say, the main block to the auxiliary ledger.
- When the time comes and we want to instantiate the consensus layer for a new blockchain (as it inevitably will), writing it in an abstract manner from the start forces us to think carefully about the design and avoid coupling things that shouldn't be coupled, or making assumptions that happen to be justified for the actual blockchain under consideration but may not be true in general. Fixing such problems after the design is in place can be difficult.
Of course, all of this requires a programming language with excellent abstraction abilities; fortunately, Haskell fits that bill perfectly.
This is the first in a series of Deep Dive posts aimed at developers
*Unlike the various views, NodeConfig
is a data family; since the node configuration is passed to all functions, having NodeConfig
be a data family helps type inference, as it determines p
. Leaving the rest as type families can be convenient and avoid unnecessary wrapping and unwrapping.
** Slot numbers are a proxy for chain length only if every slot contains a block. This is true for PBFT only in the absence of temporary network partitions, and not true at all for probabilistic consensus algorithms such as Praos. Put another way, a lower density chain may well have a higher slot number at its tip than another shorter but higher density chain.
*** The real DualBlock
combinator keeps a third piece of information that relates the two blocks (things like transaction IDs). We Have omitted it from this post for simplicity.
An in-depth look at quickcheck-state-machine
28 January 2019 46 mins read
Please note: this post originally appeared on the Well-Typed blog. Stateful APIs are everywhere: file systems, databases, widget libraries, the list goes on. Automated testing of such APIs requires generating sequences of API calls, and when we find a failing test, ideally shrinking such a sequence to a minimal test case. Neither the generation nor the shrinking of such sequences is trivial. After all, it is the very nature of stateful systems that later calls may depend on earlier calls: we can only add rows to a database table after we create it, we can only write to a file after we open it, etc. Such dependencies need to be tracked carefully. Moreover, in order to verify the responses we get back from the system, the test needs to maintain some kind of internal representation of what it thinks the internal state of the system is: when we read from a file, we need to know what was in the file in order to be able to verify if the response was correct or not.
In this blog post we will take an in-depth look at quickcheck-state-machine
, a library for testing stateful code. Our running example will be the development of a simple mock file system that should behave identically to a real file system. Although simple, the example will be large enough to give us an opportunity to discuss how we can verify that our generator is producing all test cases we need, and how we can inspect whether the shrinker is doing a good job; in both cases, test case labelling will turn out to be essential. Throughout we will also discuss design patterns for quickcheck-state-machine tests which improve separation of concerns and reduce duplication. It should probably be pointed out that this is an opinionated piece: there are other ways to set things up than we present here.
We will not show the full development in this blog post, and instead focus on explaining the underlying concepts. If you want to follow along, the code is available for download. We will assume version 0.6 of quickcheck-state-machine, which was recently released. If you are using an older version, it is recommended to upgrade, since the newer version includes some important bug fixes, especially in the shrinker.
Introducing the running example
Our running example will be the development of a simple mock file system; the intention is that its behaviour is identical to the real file system, within the confines of what it needs to support. We will represent the state of the file system as
data Mock = M {
dirs :: Set Dir
, files :: Map File String
, open :: Map MHandle File
, next :: MHandle
type MHandle = Int
emptyMock :: Mock
emptyMock = M (Set.singleton (Dir [])) Map.empty Map.empty 0
We record which directories (folders) exist, the contents of all files on the system, the currently open handles (where mock handles are just integers), and the next available mock handle. To avoid confusion between files and directories we do not use FilePath but instead use
data Dir = Dir [String]
data File = File {dir :: Dir, name :: String}
As one example, here is the mock equivalent of readFile:
type MockOp a = Mock -> (Either Err a, Mock)
mRead :: File -> MockOp String
mRead f m@(M _ fs hs _)
| alreadyOpen = (Left Busy , m)
| Just s <- Map.lookup f fs = (Right s , m)
| otherwise = (Left DoesNotExist , m)
alreadyOpen = f `List.elem` Map.elems hs
We first check if there is an open handle to the file; if so, we disallow reading this file (“resource busy”); if the file exists, we return its content; otherwise we report a “does not exist” error. The implementation of the other mock functions is similar; the full API is
mMkDir :: Dir -> MockOp ()
mOpen :: File -> MockOp MHandle
mWrite :: MHandle -> String -> MockOp ()
mClose :: MHandle -> MockOp ()
mRead :: File -> MockOp String
Finally, we should briefly talk about errors; the errors that the mock file system can report are given by
data Err = AlreadyExists | DoesNotExist | HandleClosed | Busy
and they capture a subset of the IO exceptions
fromIOError :: IOError -> Maybe Err
fromIOError e =
case ioeGetErrorType e of
GHC.AlreadyExists -> Just AlreadyExists
GHC.NoSuchThing -> Just DoesNotExist
GHC.ResourceBusy -> Just Busy
GHC.IllegalOperation -> Just HandleClosed
_otherwise -> Nothing
Typically we are developing some stateful code, and then write a pure (mock) implementation of the same thing to test it, making sure that the stateful implementation and the simpler pure model compute the same things. Here we are doing the opposite: we are adjusting the model (the mock file system) to match what the real file system does. Either way, the process is the same: we write tests, execute them both in the real thing and in the model, and compare results.
If we were writing unit tests, we might write tests such as
- Write to two different files
- Write to a file and then read it
- etc.
However, as John Hughes of QuviQ – and one of the original authors of QuickCheck – likes to point out, as systems grow, it becomes impossible to write unit tests that test the interaction between all the features of the system. So, don’t write unit tests. Instead, generate tests, and verify properties.
To generate tests for our mock file system, we have to generate sequences of calls into the API; “open this file, open that file, write to the first file we opened, …”. We then execute this sequence both against the mock file system and against the real thing, and compare results. If something goes wrong, we end up with a test case that we can inspect. Ideally, we should then try to reduce this test to try and construct a minimal test case that illustrates the bug. We have to be careful when shrinking: for example, when we remove a call to open from a test case, then any subsequent writes that used that file handle must also be removed. A library such as quickcheck-state-machine
can be used both to help with generating such sequences and, importantly, with shrinking them.
Reifying the API
It is important that we generate the test before executing it. In other words, the test generation should not depend on any values that we only get when we run the test. Such a dependency makes it impossible to re-run the same test multiple times (no reproducible test cases) or shrink tests to obtain minimal examples. In order to do this, we need to reify the API: we need to define a data type whose constructors correspond to the API calls:
data Cmd h =
MkDir Dir
| Open File
| Write h String
| Close h
| Read File
is polymorphic in the type of handles h; this is important, because we should be able to execute commands both against the mock file system and against the real file system:
runMock :: Cmd MHandle -> Mock -> (.. Mock)
runIO :: .. -> Cmd IO.Handle -> IO ..
What should the return type of these functions be? After all, different functions return different things: Open returns a new handle, Read returns a string, the other functions return unit. To solve this problem we will simply introduce a union type
data Success h = Unit () | Handle h | String String
A response is then either a succesful response or an error:
newtype Resp h = Resp (Either Err (Success h))
It is now easy to implement runMock: we just map all the constructors in Cmd to the corresponding API calls, and wrap the result in the appropriate constructor of Success:
runMock :: Cmd MHandle -> Mock -> (Resp MHandle, Mock)
runMock (MkDir d) = first (Resp . fmap Unit) . mMkDir d
runMock (Open f) = first (Resp . fmap Handle) . mOpen f
runMock (Write h s) = first (Resp . fmap Unit) . mWrite h s
runMock (Close h) = first (Resp . fmap Unit) . mClose h
runMock (Read f) = first (Resp . fmap String) . mRead f
where first :: (a -> b) -> (a, x) -> (b, x)
comes from Data.Bifunctor
We can write a similar interpreter for IO; it will take a FilePath as an additional argument that it will use as a prefix for all paths; we will use this to run the IO test in some temporary directory.
runIO :: FilePath -> Cmd IO.Handle -> IO (Resp IO.Handle)
Our interpreter for IO takes real IO handles as argument; but will not have any real handles until we actually run the test. We need a way to generate commands that run in IO but don’t use real handles (yet). Here is where we see the first bit of infrastructure provided by quickcheck-state-machine
, references:
data Reference a r = Reference (r a)
where we will instantiate that r
parameter to either Symbolic
or Concrete
data Symbolic a = Symbolic Var
data Concrete a = Concrete a
In other words, a Reference a Concrete
is really just a wrapper around an a
; indeed, quickcheck-state-machine
reference :: a -> Reference a Concrete
concrete :: Reference a Concrete -> a
However, a Reference a Symbolic
is a variable:
newtype Var = Var Int
An example of a program using symbolic references is
openThenWrite :: [Cmd (Reference IO.Handle Symbolic)]
openThenWrite = [
Open (File (Dir []) "a")
, Open (File (Dir []) "b")
, Write (Reference (Symbolic (Var 0))) "Hi"
This program corresponds precisely to our example from earlier: “open this file, open that file, then write to the first file we opened”. Commands can return as many symbolic references in their result values as they want
creates a new reference, and so Var 0
returns to the handle returned by the first call to Open
.When we execute the test, those variables will be instantiated to their real values, turning symbolic references into concrete references. We will of course not write programs with symbolic references in them by hand; as we will see later, quickcheck-state-machine
provides infrastructure for doing so.
Since we will frequently need to instantiate Cmd
and Resp
with references to handles, we will introduce some special syntax for this:
newtype At f r = At (f (Reference IO.Handle r))
type f :@ r = At f r
For example, here is a wrapper around runIO
that we will need that executes a command with concrete references:
semantics :: FilePath -> Cmd :@ Concrete -> IO (Resp :@ Concrete)
semantics root (At c) = (At . fmap reference) <$>
runIO root (concrete <$> c)
This is really just a call to runIO
, with some type wrapping and unwrapping.
Relating the two implementations
When we run our tests, we will execute the same set of commands against the mock implementation and in real IO, and compare the responses we get after each command. In order to compare, say, a command “write to this MHandle
” against the mock file system to a command “write to this IOHandle
” in IO, we need to know the relation between the mock handles and the IO handles. As it turns out, the most convenient way to store this mapping is as a mapping from references to the IO handles (either concrete or symbolic) to the corresponding mock handles.
type HandleRefs r = [(Reference IO.Handle r, MHandle)]
(!) :: Eq k => [(k, a)] -> k -> a
env ! r = fromJust (lookup r env)
Then to compare the responses from the mock file system to the responses from IO we need to keep track of the state of the mock file system and this mapping; we will refer to this as the model for our test:
data Model r = Model Mock (HandleRefs r)
initModel :: Model r
initModel = Model emptyMock []
The model must be polymorphic in r
: during test generation we will instantiate r
to Symbolic
, and during test execution we will instantiate r
to Concrete
Stepping the model
We want to work towards a function
transition :: Eq1 r => Model r -> Cmd :@ r -> Resp :@ r -> Model r
to step the model; we will gradually build up towards this. First, we can use the model to translate from commands or responses in terms of references to the corresponding commands or responses against the mock file system:
toMock :: (Functor f, Eq1 r) => Model r -> f :@ r -> f MHandle
toMock (Model _ hs) (At fr) = (hs !) <$> fr
Specifically, this can be instantiated to
toMock :: Eq1 r => Model r -> Cmd :@ r -> Cmd MHandle
which means that if we have a command in terms of references, we can translate that command to the corresponding command for the mock file system and execute it:
step :: Eq1 r => Model r -> Cmd :@ r -> (Resp MHandle, Mock)
step m@(Model mock _) c = runMock (toMock m c) mock
In order to construct the full new model however we also need to know how to extend the handle mapping. We can compute this by comparing the response we get from the “real” semantics (Resp :@ r
) to the response we get from the mock semantics (from step
), and simply zip the handles from both responses together to obtain the new mapping. We wrap all this up into an event:
data Event r = Event {
before :: Model r
, cmd :: Cmd :@ r
, after :: Model r
, mockResp :: Resp MHandle
and we construct an event from a model, the command we executed, and the response we got from the real implementation:
lockstep :: Eq1 r
=> Model r
-> Cmd :@ r
-> Resp :@ r
-> Event r
lockstep m@(Model _ hs) c (At resp) = Event {
before = m
, cmd = c
, after = Model mock' (hs <> hs')
, mockResp = resp'
(resp', mock') = step m c
hs' = zip (toList resp) (toList resp')
The function we mentioned at the start of this section is now easily derived:
transition :: Eq1 r => Model r -> Cmd :@ r -> Resp :@ r -> Model r
transition m c = after . lockstep m c
as well as a function that compares the mock response and the response from the real file system and checks that they are the same:
postcondition :: Model Concrete
-> Cmd :@ Concrete
-> Resp :@ Concrete
-> Logic
postcondition m c r = toMock (after e) r .== mockResp e
e = lockstep m c r
We will pass this function to quickcheck-state-machine
to be run after every command it executes to make sure that the model and the real system do indeed return the same responses; it therefore does not need to be polymorphic in r
. (Logic
is a type introduced by quickcheck-state-machine
; think of it as a boolean with some additional information, somewhat similar to QuickCheck’s Property
Events will also be very useful when we label our tests; more on that later.
Constructing symbolic responses
We mentioned above that we will not write programs with symbolic references in it by hand. Instead what will happen is that we execute commands in the mock file system, and then replace any of the generated handles by new variables. Most of this happens behind the scenes by quickcheck-state-machine
, but we do need to give it this function to construct symbolic responses:
symbolicResp :: Model Symbolic
-> Cmd :@ Symbolic
-> GenSym (Resp :@ Symbolic)
symbolicResp m c = At <$> traverse (const genSym) resp
(resp, _mock') = step m c
This function does what we just described: we use step to execute the command in the mock model, and then traverse the response, constructing a new (fresh) variable for each handle. GenSym
is a monad defined in quickcheck-state-machine
for the sole purpose of generating variables; we won’t use it anywhere else except in this function.
Generating commands
To generate commands, quickcheck-state-machine
requires a function that produces the next command given the current model; this function will be a standard QuickCheck
generator. For our running example, the generator is easy to write:
generator :: Model Symbolic -> Maybe (Gen (Cmd :@ Symbolic))
generator (Model _ hs) = Just $ QC.oneof $ concat [
, if null hs then [] else withHandle
withoutHandle :: [Gen (Cmd :@ Symbolic)]
withoutHandle = [
fmap At $ MkDir <$> genDir
, fmap At $ Open <$> genFile
, fmap At $ Read <$> genFile
withHandle :: [Gen (Cmd :@ Symbolic)]
withHandle = [
fmap At $ Write <$> genHandle <*> genString
, fmap At $ Close <$> genHandle
genDir :: Gen Dir
genDir = do
n <- QC.choose (0, 3)
Dir <$> replicateM n (QC.elements ["x", "y", "z"])
genFile :: Gen File
genFile = File <$> genDir <*> QC.elements ["a", "b", "c"]
genString :: Gen String
genString = QC.sized $ \n -> replicateM n (QC.elements "ABC")
genHandle :: Gen (Reference IO.Handle Symbolic)
genHandle = QC.elements (map fst hs)
A few comments on the generator:
- When we generate paths, we choose from a very small set of directory and file names. We are not really interested in testing that, for example, our implementation is Unicode-safe here; by picking from a small known set we generate tests that are more likely to contain multiple references to the same file, without having to add special provisions to do so.
- We cannot, of course, generate handles out of nowhere; fortunately, the model tells us which handles we have available, and so
just picks one at random from that. We do not limit the generator to picking open handles: it is important to also test the behaviour of the system in the error case where a program attempts to write to a closed handle. - The elements function from
, which picks a random element from a list, is partial: it will throw an error if the list is empty. We must be careful not to generate any commands requiring handles when we have no handles yet. - The reason for the
in the type signature is that in some circumstances a generator might be unable to generate any commands at all given a particular model state. We don’t need to take advantage of this feature and therefore always return Just a generator.
We can also define a shrinker for commands, but we can start with a shrinker that says that individual commands cannot be shrunk:
shrinker :: Model Symbolic -> Cmd :@ Symbolic -> [Cmd :@ Symbolic]
shrinker _ _ = []
Putting it all together
In order to actually start generating and running tests, quickcheck-state-machine wants us to bundle all of this functionality up in a single record:
sm :: FilePath -> StateMachine Model (At Cmd) IO (At Resp)
sm root = StateMachine {
initModel = initModel
, transition = transition
, precondition = precondition
, postcondition = postcondition
, invariant = Nothing
, generator = generator
, distribution = Nothing
, shrinker = shrinker
, semantics = semantics root
, mock = symbolicResp
We have defined all of these functions above, with the exception of precondition
. When quickcheck-state-machine
finds a failing test, it will try to shrink it to produce a smaller test case. It does this by trying to remove commands from the program and then checking if the resulting program still “makes sense”: does the precondition of all commands still hold?
The precondition should be as liberal as possible; for instance, the precondition should not require that a file handle is open before writing to it, because we should also check that errors are handled correctly. Typically, the only thing the precondition should verify is that commands do not refer to non-existent handles (i.e., if we remove a call to open, then subsequent uses of the handle returned by that call to open simply cannot be executed anymore). Thus, we will define:
precondition :: Model Symbolic -> Cmd :@ Symbolic -> Logic
precondition (Model _ hs) (At c) =
forall (toList c) (`elem` map fst hs)
Aside. Although we do not need it for our running example, one other thing a precondition might do is rule out test cases that we explicitly don’t want to test. For example, if our mock file system throws an error in some cases because a particular combination of arguments to a call is simply not supported, then we don’t want to flag this as a bug. A clean way to implement this is to extend the error type with a field that marks an error as an intentional limitation; then the precondition can simply rule out any commands that (in the model) would return an error with this mark. This keeps the definition of the precondition itself simple, and the logic of what is and what isn’t an intentional limitation lives in the implementation of the model itself.
Running the tests
Apart from some additional type class instances (see the code), we are now ready to define and execute the actual test:
prop_sequential :: FilePath -> QC.Property
prop_sequential tmpDir =
forAllCommands (sm rootUnused) Nothing $ \cmds ->
QC.monadicIO $ do
tstTmpDir <- liftIO $ createTempDirectory tmpDir "QSM"
let sm' = sm tstTmpDir
(hist, _model, res) <- runCommands sm' cmds
prettyCommands sm' hist
$ checkCommandNames cmds
$ res QC.=== Ok
rootUnused :: FilePath
rootUnused = error "root not used during command generation"
All functions prefixed QC
are standard QuickCheck
functions. The others come from quickcheck-state-machine
and instantiates it with the command generation and shrinking infrastructure fromquickcheck-state-machine
then executes the generated commands, validating the postcondition at every step.prettyCommands
renders those commands in case of a test failure.checkCommandNames
adds some statistics about the distribution of commands in the generated tests.
We can run the test in ghci
> quickCheck (prop_sequential "./tmp")
+++ OK, passed 100 tests:
56% coverage
3% [("MkDir",1),("Read",1)]
3% []
2% [("MkDir",1),("Open",1),("Read",1)]
2% [("MkDir",1)]
1% [("Close",1),("MkDir",1),("Open",5),("Read",4),("Write",2)]
It tells us that all tests passed, and gives us some statistics about the tests that were executed: in 3% of the cases, they contained a single MkDir
and a single Read
, 3% were completely empty, 2% contained one call to MkDir
, one call to Open
, one call to Read
, and so on.
At this point you might conclude that you’re done. We have the real implementation, we have the mock implementation, they return identical results for all tests, what else could we want?
Let’s think back to those unit tests we were on the verge of writing, but stopped just in time because we remembered that we should generate unit tests, not write them:
- Write to two different files
- Write to a file and then read it
How do we know that our generated tests include these two cases (and all the other unit tests that we would have written)? We get some statistics from quickcheck-state-machine
, but it’s not terribly helpful. For example, the first line above tells us that 3% of our test cases contain one call to MkDir
and one call to Read
; but we know that that call to Read
must fail, because if these are the only two commands we execute, there aren’t any files for that Read
to read.
The solution is to label tests. For example, we might introduce labels, or tags, that correspond to the two unit tests above:
data Tag = OpenTwo | SuccessfulRead
We then need to write a function that looks at a particular test case and checks which labels apply. It is important to realize that this does not mean we are bringing back the same unit tests under a different guise: programs that will be labelled OpenTwo
must write to two different files, but may also do a whole bunch of other things.
We can use use the foldl
package to write such a labelling function in a convenient manner. The labelling function will look at the Events
and produce Tags
. To check if we open (at least) two different files, we keep track of all the successful calls to open; for SucessfulRead
we simply remember if we have seen a call to Read
with a non-error result:
tag :: [Event Symbolic] -> [Tag]
tag = Foldl.fold $ catMaybes <$> sequenceA [
, successfulRead
openTwo :: Fold (Event Symbolic) (Maybe Tag)
openTwo = Fold update Set.empty extract
update :: Set File -> Event Symbolic -> Set File
update opened ev =
case (cmd ev, mockResp ev) of
(At (Open f), Resp (Right _)) ->
Set.insert f opened
_otherwise ->
extract :: Set File -> Maybe Tag
extract opened = do
guard (Set.size opened >= 2)
return $ OpenTwo
successfulRead :: Fold (Event Symbolic) (Maybe Tag)
successfulRead = Fold update False extract
update :: Bool -> Event Symbolic -> Bool
update didRead ev = didRead ||
case (cmd ev, mockResp ev) of
(At (Read _), Resp (Right _)) ->
_otherwise ->
extract :: Bool -> Maybe Tag
extract didRead = do
guard didRead
return SuccessfulRead
(For a read to be successful, we must have created the file first – this is a property of the semantics, we don’t need to enforce this in the labeller.)
The commands we get back from the forAllCommands
function of quickcheck-state-machine
are of type Commands
. This is a simple wrapper around a list of Command
; Command
in turn bundles a command (Cmd
) along with its response (and the variables in that response). We can therefore easily turn this into a list of events:
execCmd :: Model Symbolic
-> Command (At Cmd) (At Resp)
-> Event Symbolic
execCmd model (Command cmd resp _vars) =
lockstep model cmd resp
execCmds :: Commands (At Cmd) (At Resp) -> [Event Symbolic]
execCmds = \(Commands cs) -> go initModel cs
go :: Model Symbolic
-> [Command (At Cmd) (At Resp)]
-> [Event Symbolic]
go _ [] = []
go m (c : cs) = e : go (after e) cs
e = execCmd m c
We can then define a variant on prop_sequential
above that replaces checkCommandNames
with our own labelling function (you could also use both, if you wanted to):
prop_sequential' :: FilePath -> QC.Property
prop_sequential' tmpDir =
forAllCommands (sm rootUnused) Nothing $ \cmds ->
QC.monadicIO $ do
tstTmpDir <- liftIO $ createTempDirectory tmpDir "QSM"
let sm' = sm tstTmpDir
(hist, _model, res) <- runCommands sm' cmds
prettyCommands sm' hist
$ QC.tabulate "Tags" (map show $ tag (execCmds cmds))
$ res QC.=== Ok
Here tabulate
is the standard QuickCheck
function for adding multiple labels to a test case. If we now re-run our tests, we get
> quickCheck (prop_sequential' "./tmp")
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
Tags (57 in total):
63% OpenTwo
37% SuccessfulRead
The numbers here are a bit awkward to interpret: it says that across all tests a total of 57 labels were found, and of those 57 labels, 63% were OpenTwo
and 37% were SuccessfulRead
. In other words, 63% 57 = 36 tags were OpenTwo
(36 tests out of 100 were labelled as OpenTwo
), and 37% 57 = 21 tags were SuccessfulRead
(21 tests out of 100 were labelled as SuccessfulRead
). Note that it is perfectly possible for these two sets of tests to overlap (i.e., a single program can be tagged as both OpenTwo
and SuccessfulRead
Inspecting the labelling function
So we have a generator, and we have labels for the unit tests that we didn’t write; have we covered our bases now? Well, how do we know that our labelling function is correct? We might seem to descent into infinite regress here, testing the tests that tests the tests… but it would be good to at least have a look at some test case examples and how they are labelled. Fortunately, this is functionality that QuickCheck
provides out of the box through a function called labelledExamplesWith
. We can define a simple wrapper around it that gives us the possibility to specify a particular seed (which will be useful once we start working on shrinking):
showLabelledExamples :: Maybe Int -> IO ()
showLabelledExamples mReplay = do
replaySeed <- case mReplay of
Nothing -> getStdRandom $ randomR (1, 999999)
Just seed -> return seed
putStrLn $ "Using replaySeed " ++ show replaySeed
let args = QC.stdArgs {
QC.maxSuccess = 10000
, QC.replay = Just (QC.mkQCGen replaySeed, 0)
QC.labelledExamplesWith args $
forAllCommands (sm rootUnused) Nothing $ \cmds ->
repeatedly QC.collect (tag . execCmds $ cmds) $ True
Instead of tabulate
we must use collect
to label examples when constructing examples; collect
takes a single label at a time though, so we use my all-time favourite combinator to repeatedly call collect
for all tags:
repeatedly :: (a -> b -> b) -> ([a] -> b -> b)
repeatedly = flip . List.foldl' . flip
(I wonder if I can patent this function?)
When we run this, we see something like
> showLabelledExamples Nothing
Using replaySeed 288187
*** Found example of OpenTwo
Commands [
.. Open (File (Dir []) "b")
, .. Open (File (Dir []) "a")
*** Found example of SuccessfulRead
Commands [
.. Open (File (Dir []) "b")
, .. Close (Reference (Symbolic (Var 0)))
, .. Read (File (Dir []) "b")
(I’ve tidied up the output a bit and removed some redundant information.)
This is looking good: both of these look like the kind of examples we would have written ourselves for these tags.
Standard shrinking
In fact, if we look at those test cases at the end of the previous section, you might be thinking that those examples look surprisingly good: not only are they indeed instances of those tags, but they are very small test cases: they are pretty much the unit tests that we would have written if we were so misguided as to think we need to write unit tests. Were we simply lucky?
No, we were not. QuickCheck
’s labelledExamples
not only searches for labelled test cases, it also tries to shrink them when it finds one, and continues to shrink them until it can shrink them no further without losing the label. The shrinker itself is implemented in quickcheck-state-machine
; if we disable it altogether and re-run the search for labelled examples, we might find an example such as the following for SuccessfulRead
, where for clarity I’ve marked all failing commands with an asterisk (*):
Commands [
.. Open (File (Dir ["z", "x", "y"]) "c") (*)
, .. MkDir (Dir ["z", "x") (*)
, .. Read (File (Dir ["z", "y", "y"]) "c") (*)
, .. Read (File (Dir []) "c") (*)
, .. MkDir (Dir [ "x" , "x" ]) (*)
, .. Read (File (Dir ["x", "z", "x"]) "b") (*)
, .. MkDir (Dir ["y"])
, .. MkDir (Dir []) (*)
, .. Open (File (Dir ["z"]) "b") (*)
, .. Open (File (Dir []) "a")
, .. MkDir (Dir []) (*)
, .. Open (File (Dir ["x"]) "b") (*)
, .. Close (Reference (Symbolic (Var 0)))
, .. Close (Reference (Symbolic (Var 0)))
, .. Open (File (Dir ["x", "y"]) "b") (*)
, .. Open (File (Dir []) "b")
, .. MkDir (Dir ["y"]) (*)
, .. Read (File (Dir []) "a")
, .. MkDir (Dir ["z"])
, .. Close (Reference (Symbolic (Var 0)))
, .. Close (Reference (Symbolic (Var 1)))
, .. Open (File (Dir ["z" , "z" , "y"]) "a") (*)
, .. Open (File (Dir ["x" , "x" , "z"]) "c") (*)
, .. Close (Reference (Symbolic (Var 0)))
, .. Close (Reference (Symbolic (Var 0)))
, .. Open (File (Dir ["y", "y"]) "b") (*)
, .. Read (File (Dir ["x", "y", "x"]) "a") (*)
This is looking significantly less ideal! If there was a bug in read
, then this would certainly not be a very good minimal test case, and not something you would want to debug. So how does quickcheck-state-machine
shrink tests? The basic approach is quite simple: it simply removes commands from the program. If the resulting program contains commands whose precondition is not satisfied (remember, for our running example this means that those commands would use handles that are no longer created) then it discards it as a possible shrink candidate; otherwise, it reruns the test, and if it still fails, repeats the process.
The large percentage of commands that are unsuccessful can easily be removed by quickcheck-state-machine
Commands [
.. MkDir (Dir ["y"])
, .. Open (File (Dir []) "a")
, .. Close (Reference (Symbolic (Var 0)))
, .. Close (Reference (Symbolic (Var 0)))
, .. Open (File (Dir []) "b")
, .. Read (File (Dir []) "a")
, .. MkDir (Dir ["z"])
, .. Close (Reference (Symbolic (Var 0)))
, .. Close (Reference (Symbolic (Var 1)))
, .. Close (Reference (Symbolic (Var 0)))
, .. Close (Reference (Symbolic (Var 0)))
Both calls to MkDir
can easily be removed, and the resulting program would still be tagged as SuccessfulRead
; and the same is true for repeated closing of the same handle:
Commands [
.. Open (File (Dir []) "a")
, .. Close (Reference (Symbolic (Var 0)))
, .. Open (File (Dir []) "b")
, .. Read (File (Dir []) "a")
, .. Close (Reference (Symbolic (Var 1)))
At this point the shrinker cannot remove the second call to Open
because the second call to Close
depends on it, but it can first remove that second call to Close
and then remove that second call to Open
, and we end up with the minimal test case that we saw in the previous section:
Commands [
.. Open (File (Dir []) "a")
, .. Close (Reference (Symbolic (Var 0)))
, .. Read (File (Dir []) "a")
Improving shrinking
Unfortunately, this does not mean that we can depend on quickcheck-state-machine
to solve all our shrinking problems. Consider this run of showLabelledExamples
> showLabelledExamples (Just 166205)
Using replaySeed 166205
*** Found example of OpenTwo
Commands [
.. MkDir (Dir ["x"])
, .. Open (File (Dir []) "c")
, .. Open (File (Dir ["x"]) "a")
This is indeed an example of a program in which we open at least two files; however, why is that call to MkDir
still there? After all, if there was a bug in opening more than one file, and the “minimal” test case would include a call to MkDir
, that would be a red herring which might send the person debugging the problem down the wrong path.
The reason that quickcheck-state-machine
did not remove the call to MkDir
, of course, is that without it the second call to Open
would fail: it tries to create a file in directory x
, and if that directory does not exist, it would fail. To fix this, we need to tell quickcheck-state-machine
how to shrink individual commands; so far we have been using
shrinker :: Model Symbolic -> Cmd :@ Symbolic -> [Cmd :@ Symbolic]
shrinker _ _ = []
which says that individual commands cannot be shrunk at all. So how might we shrink an Open
call? One idea might be to shrink the directory, replacing for instance /x/y/a
by /x/a
or indeed just /a
. We can implement this using
shrinker :: Model Symbolic -> Cmd :@ Symbolic -> [Cmd :@ Symbolic]
shrinker _ (At cmd) =
case cmd of
Open (File (Dir d) f) ->
[At $ Open (File (Dir d') f) | d' <- QC.shrink d]
_otherwise ->
If we use this shrinker and run showLabelledExamples
a number of times, we will find that all the examples of OpenTwo
are now indeed minimal… until it finds an example that isn’t:
> showLabelledExamples (Just 980402)
Using replaySeed 980402
*** Found example of OpenTwo
Commands [
.. MkDir (Dir ["x"]))
, .. Open (File (Dir []) "a")
, .. Open (File (Dir ["x"]) "a")
In this example we cannot shrink the directory to [] because the resulting program would try to open the same file twice, which is not allowed (“resource busy”). We need a better way to shrink this program.
What we want to implement is “try to replace the file path by some file in the (local) root. It is important to realize however that a shrinker such as
shrinker :: Model Symbolic -> Cmd :@ Symbolic -> [Cmd :@ Symbolic]
shrinker _ (At cmd) =
case cmd of
Open _ -> -- BAD EXAMPLE
[At $ Open (File (Dir []) f') | f' <- ["t1", "t2"]]
_otherwise ->
is a bad idea. This shrinker tries to replace any file path with either /t1
or /t2
. However, this means that shrinking now never stops:
Open (File (Dir [] "t1"))
can be shrunk to
Open (File (Dir [] "t2"))
which can then be shrunk back to
Open (File (Dir [] "t1"))
and QuickCheck
will loop when trying to shrink the test case. It is important that there is a clear direction to shrinking.
An approach that does work is the following: any file path that doesn’t start with a t
can be replaced by path /t100
; moreover, any /tN
(for some number N) can be replaced by /tN'
for some number N’ < N:
shrinker :: Model Symbolic -> Cmd :@ Symbolic -> [Cmd :@ Symbolic]
shrinker _ (At cmd) =
case cmd of
Open (File (Dir []) ('t' : n)) ->
[openTemp n' | n' <- QC.shrink (read n)]
Open _ ->
[openTemp 100]
_otherwise ->
openTemp :: Int -> Cmd :@ Symbolic
openTemp n = At $ Open (File (Dir []) ('t' : show n))
Commands [
.. MkDir (Dir ["x"]))
, .. Open (File (Dir []) "a")
, .. Open (File (Dir ["x"]) "a")
can shrink to
Commands [
.. MkDir (Dir ["x"]))
, .. Open (File (Dir []) "a")
, .. Open (File (Dir []) "t100")
at which point the call to MkDir
can be removed; this will eventually shrink down to
Commands [
.. Open (File (Dir []) "t0")
, .. Open (File (Dir []) "t1")
Dependencies between commands
It’s been a long road, but we are almost there. The last thing we need to discuss is how to shrink programs with dependencies. The “open at least two” example above was relatively easy to shrink because we could shrink one command at the time. Sometimes however there are dependencies between commands. For example, consider this “minimal” example of “successful read”:
> showLabelledExamples (Just 617213)
Using replaySeed 617213
*** Found example of SuccessfulRead
Commands [
.. MkDir (Dir [ "z" ])
, .. Open (File (Dir ["z"]) "b")
, .. Close (Reference (Symbolic (Var 0)))
, .. Read (File (Dir ["z"]) "b")
As before, we have a call to MkDir
which should ideally be removed. However, if we tried to change the path in the call to Open
, the call to Read
would fail: both of these commands should refer to the same path. But shrinking can only change one command at a time, and this is important to keep the computational complexity (runtime cost) of shrinking down. What to do?
The problem is that we want that call to Read
to use the same path as the call to Open
, but we have no way to express this. The solution is to make this expressible. After all, we can already express “the handle returned by that call to Open
”; all we need to do is introduce a second kind of reference: a reference to a path.
The language of commands changes to
data Cmd fp h = Read (Expr fp) | -- rest as before
gets an additional type argument fp
to record the types of paths, and instead of a File
, Read
now takes an Expr
as argument:
data Expr fp = Val File | Var fp
We can of course still use a concrete path, as before, but we can also use a variable: “use the same path as used in that call to open”. This means that Open
must return that reference, so Success
and Resp
get adjusted accordingly:
data Success fp h = Handle fp h | -- rest as before
newtype Resp fp h = Resp (Either Err (Success fp h))
Just like was the case for handles, when we actually run code all variables have been resolved, so the interpreter isn’t any more difficult:
runMock :: Cmd File MHandle -> Mock -> (Resp File MHandle, Mock)
runMock (Open f) = first (Resp . fmap (Handle f)) . mOpen f
runMock (Read e) = first (Resp . fmap String) . mRead (eval e)
-- rest as before
eval :: Expr File -> File
eval (Val f) = f
eval (Var f) = f
The IO interpreter is modified similarly. Most of the rest of the changes to the code are minor and mostly automatic. For example, At
must now instantiate both parameters
newtype At f r = At (f (Reference File r) (Reference IO.Handle r))
the model must record the mapping from file references now too
type FileRefs r = [(Reference File r, File)]
data Model r = Model Mock (FileRefs r) (HandleRefs r)
See Version2.hs
in the example package for details.
Crucially, we can now take advantage of this in the shrinker: when we see a call to Read
with a file path that we have seen before, we can shrink that to use a variable instead:
shrinker :: Model Symbolic -> Cmd :@ Symbolic -> [Cmd :@ Symbolic]
shrinker (Model _ fs _) (At cmd) =
case cmd of
Read (Val f) ->
[At $ Read (Var r) | r <- mapMaybe (matches f) fs]
-- other cases as before
matches :: File -> (r, File) -> Maybe r
matches f (r, f') | f == f' = Just r
| otherwise = Nothing
This means that the problematic example
> showLabelledExamples (Just 617213)
Using replaySeed 617213
*** Found example of SuccessfulRead
Commands [
.. MkDir (Dir [ "z" ])
, .. Open (File (Dir ["z"]) "b")
, .. Close (Reference (Symbolic (Var 1)))
, .. Read (Val (File (Dir ["z"]) "b"))
can now shrink to
Commands [
.. MkDir (Dir [ "z" ])
, .. Open (File (Dir ["z"]) "b")
, .. Close (Reference (Symbolic (Var 1)))
, .. Read (Var 0)
At this point the shrinking for Open
that we defined above can kick in, replacing z/b
with /t100
, making the call to MkDir
redundant, and the example can ultimately shrink to
Commands [
.. Open (File (Dir []) "t0")
, .. Close (Reference (Symbolic (Var 1)))
, .. Read (Var 0)
Writing unit tests by hand is problematic for at least two reasons. First, as the system grows in complexity the number of interactions between the various features will be impossible to capture in hand written unit tests. Second, unit tests can only exercise the system in ways that the author of the unit tests foresees; often, bugs arise when the system is exercised in ways that were not foreseen. It is therefore important not to write unit tests, but rather generate them. We have seen how a library such as quickcheck-state-machine
can assist in generating and shrinking meaningful sequences of API calls.
We have also seen why it is important to label test cases, how to inspect the labelling function, and how to use labelling to improve shrinking. Without writing a shrinker for individual commands, the standard quickcheck-state-machine
shrinker already does a really good job at removing redundant commands. However, if we are serious about producing minimal test cases without red herrings that might lead debugging efforts astray (and we should be serious about that), then we also need to put some thought into shrinking individual commands.
Finally, we have seen how we can improve shrinking by making dependencies between commands explicit. This also serves as an example of a language with multiple types of references; the approach we put forth in this blog post essentially scales to an arbitrary number of types of references without much difficulty.
We have not talked about running parallel tests at all in this blog post. This is an interesting topic in its own right, but affects only the very outermost level of the test: prop_sequential
would get an analogue prop_parallel
, and nothing else would be affected; the quickcheck-state-machine
documentation shows how to do this; the original paper describing the approach (in Erlang) by John Hughes and others is also well worth a read. Finally, quickcheck-state-machine
is not the only library providing this functionality in Haskell; in particular, hedgehog, an alternative to QuickCheck
, does also.
The way we set up the tests in this blog post is not the only way possible, but is one that we believe leads to a clean design. The running example in this blog post is a simplified version of a mock file system that we use in the new Ouroboros consensus layer, where we use it to simulate file system errors when testing a blockchain database. The tests for that blockchain database in turn also use the design patterns laid out in this blog post, and we have used those design patterns also in a test we added to quickcheck-state-machine
itself to test the shrinker. Of course, being Haskellers, we would prefer to turn design patterns into actual code; indeed, we believe this to be possible, but it may require some more advanced type system features. This is something we want to investigate further.
1. Mapping from `IllegalOperation` to `HandleClosed` is bit too coarse, but suffices for the sake of this blog post.↩
2. This has a somewhat unpleasant untyped feel to it. However, if the design patterns proposed in this blog post are used, this barely affects any code that we write: we never (or almost never) have to pattern match on that `Success` type.↩
3. I’m eliding a `Typeable` constraint here.↩
4. Technically, `quickcheck-state-machine` uses a function `Resp :@ Symbolic -> [Var]` to find all the references “bound” by a command.↩
5. The `Close` call now refers to `Var 1` instead of `Var 0`, because `Open` now creates _two_ variables: the reference to the path and the reference to the handle.↩
Self Organisation in Coin Selection
3 July 2018 18 mins read
The term "self organisation" refers to the emergence of complex behaviour (typically in biological systems) from simple rules and random fluctuations. In this blog post we will see how we can take advantage of self organisation to design a simple yet effective coin selection algorithm. Coin selection is the process of selecting unspent outputs in a user's wallet to satisfy a particular payment request (for a recap of UTxO style accounting, see section "Background: UTxO-style Accounting" of my previous blog post). As Jameson Lopp points out in his blog post The Challenges of Optimizing Unspent Output Selection, coin selection is thorny problem. Moreover, there is a surprising lack of academic publications on the topic; indeed, the only scientific study of coin selection appears to be Mark Erhardt's masters thesis An Evaluation of Coin Selection Strategies.
Note: by a slight abuse of nomenclature, throughout this blog post we will refer to a user's set of unspent outputs as that user's UTxO.
An obvious strategy that many coin selection algorithms use in some form or other is "try to get as close to the requested value as possible". The problem with such an approach is that it tends to create a lot of dust: small unspent outputs that remain unused in the user's wallet because they're not particularly useful. For example, consider the "largest first" algorithm: a simple algorithm which considers all unspent outputs of the wallet in order of size, adding them to a running total until it has covered the requested amount. Here's an animation of the effect of this algorithm:
There are various things to see in this animation, but for now we want to focus on the UTxO histogram and its size. Note that as time passes, the size of the UTxO increases and increases, up to about 60k entries after about 1M cycles (with 3 deposits and 1 payment per cycle). A wallet with 60k entries is huge, and looking at the UTxO histogram we can see why this happens: virtually all of these entries are dust. We get more and more small outputs, and those small outputs are getting smaller and smaller.
Cleaning up
Erhardt makes the following very astute observation:
If 90% of the UTxO is dust, then if we pick an unspent output randomly, we have a 90% change of picking a dust output.
He concludes that this means that a coin selection algorithm that simply picks unspent outputs at random might be pretty effective; in particular, effective at collecting dust. Indeed, it is. Consider the following simulation:
Notice quite how rapidly the random coin selection reduces the size of the UTxO once it kicks in. If you watch the inputs-per-transaction histogram, you can see that when the random input selection takes over, it first creates a bunch of transactions with 10 inputs (we limited transaction size to 10 for this simulation), rapidly collecting dust. Once the dust is gone, the number of inputs shrinks to about 3 or 4, which makes perfect sense given the 3:1 ratio of deposits and withdrawals.
We will restate Erhardt's observation as our first self organisation principle:
Self organisation principle 1. Random selection has a high priobability of picking dust outputs precisely when there is a lot of dust in the UTxO.
It provides a very promising starting point for an effective coin selection algorithm, but there are some improvements we can make.
Active UTxO management
Consider the following simulation of a pure "select randomly until we reach the target value" coin selection algorithm:
The first observation is that this algorithm is doing much better than the largest-first policy in terms of the size of the UTxO, which is about 2 orders of magnitude smaller: a dramatic improvement. However, if we look at the UTxO histogram, we can see that there is room for improvement: although this algorithm is good at collecting dust, it's also still generating quite a bit of dust. The UTxO histogram has two peaks. The first one is approximately normally distributed around 1000, which are the deposits that are being made. The second one is near 0, which are all the dust outputs that are being created.
This brings us to the topic of active UTxO management. In an ideal case, coin selection algorithms should, over time, create a UTxO that has "useful" outputs; that is, outputs that allow us to process future payments with a minimum number of inputs. We can take advantage of self organisation again:
Self organisation principle 2. If for each payment request for value x we create a change output roughly of the same value x, then we will end up with a lot of change outputs in our UTxO of size x precisely when we have a lot of payment requests of size x.
We will consider some details of how to achieve this in the next section. For now see what the effect of this is on the UTxO:
The graph at the bottom right, which we've ignored so far, records the change:payment ratio. A value near zero means a very small change output (i.e., dust); a very high value would be the result of using a huge UTxO entry for a much smaller payment. A value around 1 is perfect, and means that we are generating change outputs of equal value as the payments.
Note that the UTxO now follows precisely the distribution of payment requests, and we're not generating dust anymore. One advantage of this is that because we have no dust, the average number of inputs per transaction can be lower than in the basic algorithm.
Just to illustrate this again, here is the result of the algorithm but now with a 3:1 ratio of deposits and withdrawals:
We have two bumps now: one normally distributed around 1000, corresponding to the the deposits, and one normally distributed around 3000, corresponding to the payment requests that are being made. As before, the median change:payment ratio is a satisfying round 1.0.
The "Random-Improve" algorithm
We are now ready to present the coin selection algorithm we propose. The basic idea is simple: we will randomly pick UTxO entries until we have reached the required value, and then continue randomly picking UTxO entries to try and reach a total value such that the the change value is roughly equal to the payment.
This presents a dilemma though. Suppose we have already covered the minimum value required, and we're trying to improve the change output. We pick an output from the UTxO, and it turns out to be huge. What do we do? One option is to discard it and continue searching, but this would result in coin selection frequently traversing the entire UTxO, resulting in poor performance.
Fortunately, self organisation comes to the rescue again. We can set an upper bound on the size of the change output we still consider acceptable (we will set it to twice the payment value). Then we take advantage of the following property.
Self organisation principle 3. Searching the UTxO for additional entries to improve our change output is only useful if the UTxO contains entries that are sufficiently small enough. But precisely when the UTxO contains many small entries, it is less likely that a randomly chosen UTxO entry will push the total above the upper bound we set.
In other words, our answer to "what do we do when we happen to pick a huge UTxO entry?" is "we stop trying to improve our selection". We can now describe the algorithm:
- Randomly select outputs from the UTxO until the payment value is covered. (In the rare case that this fails because the maximum number of transaction inputs has been exceeded, fall-back on the largest-first algorithm for this step.)
- Randomly select outputs from the UTxO, considering for each output if that output is an improvement. If it is, add it to the transaction, and keep going.
An output is considered an improvement when:
- It doesn't exceed the specified upper limit
- Adding the new output gets us closer to the ideal change value
- It doesn't exceed the maximum number of transaction inputs.
Figure 6. The Random-Improve algorithm. Side note for point (2a): we use twice the value of the payment as the upper limit. Side note for point (2b): it might be that without the new output we are slightly below the ideal value, and with the new output we are slightly above; that is fine, as long as the absolute distance decreases.
The algorithm from Figure 6 is deceptively simple. Do the self organisation principles we isolated really mean that order will emerge from chaos? Simulations suggest, yes, it does. We already mentioned how random input selection does a great job at cleaning up dust in Figure 2; what we didn't emphasize in that section is that the algorithm we simulated there is actually our Random-Improve algorithm. Notice how the median change:payment ratio is initially very low (indicative of a coin selection algorithm that is generating a lot of dust outputs), but climbs rapidly back to 1 as soon as Random-Improve kicks in. We already observed that it does indeed do an excellent job at cleaning up the dust, quickly reducing the size of the UTxO. The simulations in Figures 4 and 5 are also the result of the Random-Improve algorithm.
That said, of course the long term effects of a coin selection algorithm can depend strongly on the nature of the distribution of deposits and payments. It is therefore important that we evaluate the algorithm against a number of different distributions.
Normal distribution, 10:1 deposit:payment ratio
We already evaluated "Random-Improve" against normally distributed payments and deposits with a 1:1 ratio and a 3:1 ratio; perhaps more typical for exchange nodes might be even higher ratios. Here is a 10:1 ratio:
We see a very similar picture as we did in Figure 5. Since the deposits and payments are randomly drawn (from normal distributions), the UTxO balance naturally fluctuates up and down. What is satisfying to see however is that the size of the UTxO tracks the balance rather precisely; this is about as good as we can hope for. Notice also that the change:payment ratio is a nice round 1, and the average number of transaction inputs covers around 10 or 11, which is what we'd expect for a 10:1 ratio of deposits:payments.
Exponential distribution, 1:1 deposit:payment ratio
What if the payments and deposits are not normally distributed? Here is Random-Improve on exponentially distributed inputs:
In an exponential distribution we have a lot of values near 0; for such values it will be hard to achieve a "good" change output, as we are likely to overshoot the range. Partly due to this reason the algorithm isn't quite achieving a 1.0 change:payment ratio, but at 1.5 it is still generating useful change outputs. Furthermore, we can see that the size of the UTxO tracks the UTxO balance nicely, and the average number of transaction inputs is low, with roughly 53% having just one input.
Moreover, when we increase the deposit:payment ratio to 3:1 and then 10:0, the change:payment ratio drops to about 1.1 and then back to 1.0 (graphs omitted).
The exponential distribution results in many very small deposits and payments. The algorithm does better on slightly more realistic distributions such as the Erlang-k distributions (for k > 1). Here we show the animation for the 3:1 deposit:payment ratio using the Erlang-3 distribution; the results for other ratios (including 1:1) and other values of k (we additionally simulated for k = 2 and k = 10) are similar.
More payments than deposits
We have been focusing on the case where we have more deposits and fewer (but larger) payments. What happens if the ratio is reversed?
In this case we are unable to achieve that perfect 1.0 change:payment ratio, but this is expected: when we have large deposits, then we frequently have no choice but to use those, leading to large change outputs. We can see this more clearly when we slow things right down, and remove any source of randomness; here is the same 1:10 ratio again, but now only the first 100 cycles, and all deposits exactly 10k and all payments exactly 1k:
We can see the large value being deposited, and then shifting to the left in the histogram as it is getting used for deposits, each time decreasing that large output by 1k. Indeed, this takes 10 slots on average, which makes sense given the 10:1 ratio; moreover, the average value of the "large output" in such a 10-slot cycle is 5k, explaining why we are getting 5.0 change:payment ratio.
The algorithm however is not creating dust outputs; the 1k change outputs it is generating are getting used, and the size of the UTxO is perfectly stable. Indeed, back in Figure 12 we can see that the size of the UTxO tracks the balance perfectly; moreover, the vast majority of transactions only use a single input, which is what we'd expect for a 10:0 deposit:payment ratio.
Real data
Ideally, of course, we run the simulation against real event streams from existing wallets. Unfortunately, such data is hard to come by. Erhardt was able to find one such dataset, provided by When we run our algorithm on this dataset we get
A few observations are in order here. First, there are quite a few deposits and payments close to 0, just like in an exponential distribution. Moreover, although we have many values close to 0, we also have some huge outliers; the payments are closely clustered together, but there is a 10xE9 difference between the smallest and largest deposit, and moreover a 10xE5 difference between the largest deposit and the largest payment. It is therefore not surprising that we end up with a relatively large change:payment ratio. Nonetheless, the algorithm is behaving well, with the size of the UTxO tracking the balance nicely, with an average UTxO size of 130 entries. The average number of outputs is 3.03, with 50% of transactions using just one input, and 90% using 6 or fewer.
Cardano Exchange
One of the large Cardano exchange nodes has also helped us with some anonymised data (deposits and payments), similar in nature to the MoneyPot dataset albeit significantly larger. Coming from an exchange node, however, this dataset is very much skewed towards deposits, with a deposit:payment ratio of roughly 30:1. Under these circumstances, of course, coin selection alone cannot keep the UTxO size small.
The choice of coin selection algorithm has far reaching consequences on the long term behaviour of a cryptocurrency wallet. To a large extent the coin selection algorithm determines, over time, the shape of the UTxO. Moreover, the performance of the algorithm can be of crucial importance to high-traffic wallets such as exchange nodes.
In his thesis, Erhardt proposes "Branch and Bound" as his preferred coin selection algorithm. Branch and Bound in essence is a limited backtracking algorithm that tries to find an exact match, so that no change output needs to be generated at all. When the backtracking cannot find an exact match within its bounds, the algorithm then falls back on random selection. It does not, however, attempt our "improvement" step, and instead just attempts to reach a minimum but fixed change size, to avoid generating dust. It is hard to compare the two algorithms directly, but on the MoneyPot dataset at least the results are comparable; Erhardt ends up with a slightly smaller average UTxO (109 versus our 130), and a slightly smaller average number of inputs (2.7 versus our 3.0). In principle we could modify our Random-Improve algorithm to start with bounded backtracking to find an exact match, just like Erhardt does; we have not done this however because it adds complexity to the algorithm and reduces performance. Erhardt reports that his algorithm is able to find exact matches in 30% of the time. This is very high, and at least partly explains why his UTxO and average number of change outputs is lower; in the Cardano blockchain, we would not expect that there exist exact matches anywhere near that often (never mind finding them).
Instead our proposed Random-Improve does no search at all, instead purely relying on self organisation principles, the first of which was stated by Erhardt, and the other two we identified as part of this research. Although in the absence of more real data it is hard to evaluate any coin selection algorithm, we have shown that the algorithm performs well across a large variety of different distributions and deposit:payment ratios. Moreover it is straight-forward to implement and has high performance.
One improvement we may wish to consider is that when there are very large deposits, we could occassionally issue a "reorganisation transaction" that splits those large deposits into smaller chunks. This would bring the change:payment ratio down, which would improve the evolution of the UTxO over time and is beneficial also for other, more technical reasons (it reduces the need for what we call "dependent transactions" in the wallet specification). Such reorganisation is largely orthogonal to this algorithm, however, and can be implemented independently.
Semi-Formal Development: The Cardano Wallet
4 June 2018 17 mins read
Please note: this post originally appeared on the Well-Typed blog.
TL;DR: A combination of formal modelling and testing using QuickCheck is a powerful tool in the design and implementation of high assurance software. Consistency of the model can be checked by testing invariants, and the real implementation can be tested by comparing it against the model.
As part of our consulting work for IOHK, Well-Typed have been working with IOHK on the design and implementation of the new version of the Cardano cryptocurrency wallet. As a crucial component of this process, we have written a semi-formal specification of the wallet: a mathematical model of the wallet along with invariants and lemmas about how it behaves.
We refer to this specification as “semi-formal” because while it states many of the wallet’s properties, and proves some of them, it by no means proves all of them. As we will see, however, we can use QuickCheck to test such properties, producing counter-examples where they fail to hold. Not only is this an invaluable tool during the development of the specification itself, it also gives us a very principled way of testing the real implementation, even if later we do prove all the remaining properties as well.
In this blog post we will take a look at the specification and see how it drives the design and testing of the new wallet. We will show parts of the formal development, but only to give some idea about what it looks like; we will not really discuss any of its details. The goal of this blog post is not to describe the mathematics but rather the approach and its advantages.
Note: all figure, invariant and section numbers used in this blog post refer to version 1.1 of the specification.
Background: UTxO-style Accounting
Regular bank transactions transfer from and to bank accounts. For example, a transaction might transfer $100 from Alice to Bob. Transactions in cryptocurrencies such as Cardano or Bitcoin are a little different. The to part is similar, except that there might be multiple “outputs”; for example, a transaction might transfer $70 to Bob and $30 to Carol. The from part however works in quite a distinct way; transaction inputs are not accounts but other transactions. For example, let’s call the transaction that transfers $70 to Bob and $30 to Carol “t1”.
t1 inputs: …
outputs: $70 to Bob, $30 to Carol
Now suppose Bob wants to transfer $50 to Dave. He can create a new transaction that says “take the first output of transaction t1, transfer $50 to Dave and transfer $20 back to me”1.
t2 inputs: first output of t1
outputs: $50 to Dave, $20 to Bob
It is important that Bob transfers the $20 “change” back to himself, because a transaction output can be “spent” (that is, used as an input) only once. This style of transactions is called “UTxO” style; UTxO stands for “Unspent Transaction (Tx) Outputs”.
The blockchain is basically a long list of such transactions. The corresponding formal definition looks something like this.
The cryptocurrency’s wallet is a piece of software that monitors the state of the blockchain, keeps track of the user’s funds (more precisely, their UTxO) and enables them to create new transactions to be included into the blockchain. The wallet is the primary means by which users interact with the blockchain. Note that the verification of these new transactions and the decision whether or not to include them into the global blockchain is not up to the wallet; how this happens is beyond the scope of this blog post.
A formal specification of the wallet is a mathematical abstraction that strips away all irrelevant detail and just focuses on the core functionality of the wallet. In the basic model of the Cardano wallet, we stripped down the wallet state to just the wallet’s UTxO and its set of pending transactions; the specification is small enough to fit on a single page.
Such a model is simple enough to be studied in-depth and support mathematical proofs of its properties. Yet it is accurate enough to be an invaluable guide in the design of the wallet and be the base for unit tests that drive the real implementation. It can also be used to study where we most need to worry about performance and how we can address those concerns.
As an example of one of the trickier aspects of the wallet’s design, we will discuss reporting balance in a bit more detail. It may be surprising that reporting balance is non-trivial, but even for regular bank accounts we already have two notions of balance. After Alice transfers $100 to Bob, her online bank account might tell her
- Your current balance is $1000.
- There is a pending transaction of $100, so your available balance is $900.
Unlike regular bank transactions, UTxO-style transactions involve change; this leads naturally to three notions of balance. If we take as example transaction t2 above, Bob’s balance might be reported as
- Your UTxO balance is $1070.
- There is a pending transaction t2, so your available balance is $1000.
- However, transaction t2 returns $20 in change, so your total balance is $1020.
Note that the change from t2 becomes available only when transaction t2 has been included into the blockchain.
Although there are user interface questions here (how should we report these different kinds of balance to the user?), from the wallet design perspective this is not yet particularly difficult. The real complexity comes from the fact that there may be temporary disagreement about which transactions are included in the blockchain (such disagreements are known as “forks”; how they arise and are resolved is again well beyond the scope of this blog post).
Let’s stick to the above example, and suppose that t2 is pending, but there was disagreement about t1. After the disagreement got resolved the wallet discovers that t1 is not actually present in the blockchain after all (perhaps it will be later). The wallet’s available balance is now still $1000, but would it really make sense to report its total balance as $1020? It would be strange to have the total balance be larger than the UTxO balance; not wrong per se, but confusing nonetheless.
In the specification we therefore define the concept of minimum balance: the minimum (UTxO) balance of the user “across all possible futures”; this is the only balance the user can be certain of. In the example, this is the future in which neither t1 nor t2 ever make it into the blockchain, and hence we report $1000 as the minimum balance (note that it can never happen that t2 is included but t1 is not, since t2 depends on t1). While this concept makes intuitive sense, in order to make it precise and be able to compute it we needed to introduce the concept of “expected UTxO”: unspent transaction outputs that the wallet expects will become available in the future but haven’t yet.
Of course, even without a formal specification it is possible that we could have come up with this concept of minimum balance and a way to compute it. But having the formal model allows us to think much more clearly about the problems, remove all the clutter that surrounds a “real” implementation of the wallet and focus only on the core ideas.
Internal consistency: invariants
When we introduce a novel concept such as “expected UTxO” into the specification, there is a tricky question: how do we know that what we specified is right? Actually, since we introduced the concept ourselves, the question of whether it was “right” or not is not particularly meaningful. Instead we ask: is what we specified useful?
One way to answer this question is by stating invariants. Invariants are properties that we expect to be true at all times. For example, for the basic model shown above (Figure 3) we have the following invariant:
Invariant 3.4. txins pending ⊆ dom utxo
What this invariant says is that the pending transactions can only spend from the wallet’s unspent outputs. Intuitively, this makes a lot of sense: the wallet should not allow the user to spend funds they don’t have. As we have seen however in the previous section, this invariant does not always hold when we take disagreements about the blockchain into account! When Bob submits transaction t2, spending an output of transaction t1, and only later discovers that actually t1 should not have been included in the blockchain after all, he will have spent an output that is not in his UTxO.
The concept of expected UTxO comes to the rescue, again. The invariant for the full model is instead:
Invariant 7.8. txins pending ⊆ dom (utxo ∪ expected)
In other words, pending transactions can only spend available outputs or outputs that we expect to become available (because they were previously).
Another useful invariant that helps further solidify our intuition about what we mean by expected UTxO says that an output can never be in both the actual UTxO and the expected UTxO
Invariant 7.6. dom utxo ∩ dom expected = ∅
After all, it would be strange to say that an output is expected if we already have it in our wallet. Stating invariants like this allows us to make our intuitions about the concepts we introduce precise, and proving them gives us strong guarantees that our specification makes sense and is internally consistent.
Semi-formal development
Formally proving invariants such as the ones discussed above can be time consuming and requires mathematical training. Naturally, doing the proofs would be ideal, but the main point of this blog post is that we push this approach a long way even if we don’t. After all, we program in Haskell precisely because we can easily translate back and forth between Haskell and mathematics.
To translate the various wallet models from the specification, we use the approach we described in a previous blog on Object Oriented Programming in Haskell (indeed, we developed that approach specifically for this purpose). For instance, here is the Haskell translation of the basic model:
mkWallet :: (Hash h a, Ord a, Buildable st)
=> Ours a -> Lens' st (State h a) -> WalletConstr h a st
mkWallet ours l self st =
(mkDefaultWallet (l . statePending) self st) {
utxo = st ^. l . stateUtxo
, ours = ours
, applyBlock = \b -> self (st & l %~ applyBlock' ours b)
applyBlock' :: Hash h a
=> Ours a -> Block h a -> State h a -> State h a
applyBlock' ours b State{..} = State {
_stateUtxo = updateUtxo ours b _stateUtxo
, _statePending = updatePending b _statePending
updateUtxo :: forall h a. Hash h a
=> Ours a -> Block h a -> Utxo h a -> Utxo h a
updateUtxo p b = remSpent . addNew
addNew, remSpent :: Utxo h a -> Utxo h a
addNew = utxoUnion (utxoRestrictToOurs p (txOuts b))
remSpent = utxoRemoveInputs (txIns b)
updatePending :: Hash h a
=> Block h a -> Pending h a -> Pending h a
updatePending b = Map.filter $ \t -> disjoint (trIns t) (txIns b)
It deals with more details than the specification; for instance, it explicitly abstracts away from a specific choice of hash h, as well the types of addresses a. It is therefore a bit more complicated than the spec, but it nonetheless follows the specification very closely. In particular, it is still a model: it does not deal with any networking issues or persistent storage, may not be particularly performant, etc. In other words, this is not intended to be the design of the real wallet. Having this model is nonetheless incredibly useful, for two reasons. The first is that we can use it to test the real wallet; we will discuss that in the next section.
The second reason is that we can use the model to test the invariants. For example, here is the translation of Invariants 7.8 and 7.6 from the previous section to Haskell:
pendingInUtxoOrExpected :: WalletInv h a
pendingInUtxoOrExpected l e =
invariant (l <> "/pendingInUtxoOrExpected") e $ \w ->
("txins pending",
txIns (pending w))
("utxo ∪ expected",
utxoDomain (utxo w) `Set.union` utxoDomain (expectedUtxo w))
utxoExpectedDisjoint :: WalletInv h a
utxoExpectedDisjoint l e =
invariant (l <> "/utxoExpectedDisjoint") e $ \w ->
("dom utxo",
utxoDomain (utxo w))
("dom expected",
utxoDomain (expectedUtxo w))
As for the wallet implementation, the Haskell translation of the invariants deals with more details than the spec; in this case, one of the main differences is that the infrastructure for these invariants is designed to give detailed error reports when the invariants do not hold. Nonetheless, the main part of the invariant is again a direct translation of the specification.
The big gain is that we can now use QuickCheck to test these invariants. We generate random (but valid) events for the wallet (“apply this block”, “submit this new transaction”, “switch to a different fork”) and then check that the invariants hold at each point. For example, in the first release of the wallet specification there was a silly mistake: when the wallet was notified of a new block, it removed the inputs of that block from the expected UTxO, rather than the outputs. A silly mistake, but easy to miss when just reviewing the specification by hand. A proof would have found the mistake, of course, but so can QuickCheck:
Wallet unit tests
Test pure wallets
Using Cardano model FAILED [1]
1) Wallet unit tests, Test pure wallets, Using Cardano model
predicate failed on: Invalid [] InvariantViolation {
name: full/utxoExpectedDisjoint
, evidence: NotSubsetOf {
dom utxo: ..
, dom expected: ..
, dom utxo `intersection` dom expected: ..
, events: {
state: ..
, action: ApplyBlock ..
, state: ..
, action: NewPending Transaction{ .. }
, state: ..
, action: Rollback
Not only does this tell us that the invariant did not hold; it actually gives us the specific sequence of events that lead to the wallet state in which the invariant does not hold (as well as all the intermediate wallet states), and it tells what the domain of the UTxO and the expected UTxOs are in that state as well as their intersection (which should have been empty but wasn’t).
Testing the real implementation
As mentioned, the Haskell translation of the wallet specification is still a model which ignores a lot of the real world complexity that the full wallet implementation must deal with. Even the datatypes that the model works with are simplified versions of the real thing: transactions don’t include signatures, blocks are not real blocks but just lists of transactions, etc.
Nonetheless, we can use the model to test the real implementation also. We can translate the simplified types of the model to their real counterparts. Since we have QuickCheck generators for the simplified types and we can test the model because we have an implementation of it, we can test the real wallet as shown in the following commuting diagram:
In words, what this means is that we use the QuickCheck generator to generate wallet events using the simplified model types and then do two things:
- We execute the model on the simplified types and translate after.
- We translate first and then execute the real wallet on the translated input.
Either way, we end up with two final answers (both in terms of the real Cardano types), one executed in the model and one executed in the real wallet. We can compare these two, and if they match we can conclude that the real wallet implements the model correctly. Since we check this property at each step and we know that the invariants hold in the model at each step, we can then also conclude that the invariants hold in the real implementation at each step.
For example, when a bug in the full wallet meant that change from pending transactions was sometimes double-counted (in the case where pending transactions use the change of other pending transactions as inputs, a case that can only happen in the presence of forks), the generator will be able to find a counter-example to the above commuting diagram, and then give us the exact sequence of wallet events that leads to a wallet state in which the real wallet and the model disagree as well as the precise value that they disagree on.
Software specifications, where they exist at all, are often informal documents that describe the features that the software is intended to have in natural language. Such specifications do not lend themselves easily to verification or even testing. At the other end of the spectrum, fully formal specifications where every property is verified mathematically are costly and time consuming to produce and require specialized expertise. They are of course the golden standard, but there is also a useful middle-ground: by specifying the model and its properties formally, we can test its properties using QuickCheck. Moreover, we get a model in which we can reason about the core functionality of the application and which we can then compare against the real implementation.
IOHK’s development of the new wallet is open source and can be found on GitHub. Excitingly, IOHK have recently hired someone to start work on the Coq formalization of the wallet specification, which will put the whole specification on an even stronger footing. Of course, that does not make any of the existing work useless: although it will become less important to test the invariants in the model, having the QuickCheck generators available to check the real implementation is still very valuable. Moreover, having the QuickCheck tests validate the invariants before we attempt to prove them formally can also save valuable time if we discover early that an invariant is not, in fact, true.
"Formal specification for a Cardano wallet”, Duncan Coutts and Edsko de VriesGitHub repository for the new wallet
1. We ignore transaction fees for the sake of simplicity.
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